Do You Argue About Sex? How To Avoid All Future Arguments

Do You Argue About Sex? How To Avoid All Future Arguments

Do you and your partner argue about sex? If so, you are most certainly not alone! Sexual communication is one of the biggest threats to sexual wellness and wellbeing.


Even although sex is supposed to be an enjoyable thing, it is still a big source of stress between many couples. Many couples have great sex, but there will always be times when they are out of sync and when one person is so tired that she just wants to read her book before bed, but the other is feeling highly sexual and then this leads to feelings of rejection and arguments.


The number one way to stop the arguments about sex is to be honest about how you feel. Rather than snapping at your partner or ignoring their advances because you are not in the mood, be calm and honest about how you feel. This should help to avoid him feeling rejected and keeps the honesty in your relationship.


Past arguments about sex can also lead to you putting up walls when the subject of sex comes up now, so try not to close yourself off emotionally to the subject but instead face any issues head on. The more you shy away from communication, the bigger the issues will become and the harder it will be to improve your sex life and avoid hurting your partner.


It’s also a great idea to decide on a time that works best for you to have sex. Whilst it’s pretty safe to say that most men are ready for sex at any time of day, women often have more favourable times of day than others. Some women like a quickie before bed, whereas others like to have sex in the mornings. Others find that there’s a time after work but before dinner where intimacy is welcome, and if this is the case then you should build this time into your routine.
