Proving Your CV Claims: How Exactly Are You a Team Player?

Team Player” is one of those buzzwords you put on your CV, but what exactly does it mean? Is your potential boss just looking for someone who gets on with everyone, or is he or she after something more? These days, anyone with any sense would describe themselves as a team player to get the job, so your corporate wellness depends on you setting yourself apart for the pack, and demonstrating exactly how you fit the bill. We’ve set out a few of the qualities you need to be a team player, all you need is a few examples of how they apply to you and that job is practically yours – don’t say we never take care of your wellbeing!


1. You demonstrate reliability: Your boss can count on your to get the work done and do your fair share to work hard and meet deadlines and commitments. Your boss can give you an assignment safe in the knowledge that you will follow through, and do it well. You don’t just shine in odd moments and do the bare minimum at others; you deliver a good performance always.


2. You communicate constructively: You don’t shy away from making a point, but you do ensure that you make it in the best way possible; positively, confidently and respectfully. Your team can rely on you to give good feedback and ideas in a clear, direct and honest way that will only help, and not hurt, the work or your colleagues.


3. You’re an active listener: As well as being everyone’s go-to guy for constructive feedback, you also know how to absorb, understand, and consider ideas and points of view from other people without debating and arguing every point. You don’t just dish out criticism; you can also take it without jumping into defensive mode. Most of all, you know how important it is to listen first and speak second.


4. You’re an active participant: You don’t just turn up for meetings and sit on the sidelines; you’re an active player in this game and make things happen. You prepare for meetings, listen closely and speak up in discussions. You take the initiative on projects and volunteer for assignments, and basically do anything you can to help the team achieve success.


5. You share openly and willingly: Communication isn’t only key in the board room, you also feel comfortable chatting to co-workers in an informal setting. You’re willing to share information, knowledge, and experience to keep other team members in the loop, regardless of whether you’re in an organised discussion or you’re just walking past their desk.


6. You cooperate with others: Being in a team doesn’t mean you’re a group of individuals who all do a separate job; you often have to work together to get things done. Despite differences you may have with other members of your team concerning style and perspective, you can figure out ways to solve problems and act as a unit. In fact, you even offer to help out when a colleague is in need.


7. You’re flexible: With so many people and perspectives in one team change is inevitable. You know how to roll with the punches and adapt to an ever-changing workplace. If your boss takes things in a new direction or a colleague decides to try something different, you don’t complain or stress out about it; you consider the thought process behind the decision and move forward with it. Even though you have your own opinions, and will explain them well, you’re open to what others have to offer and will compromise when the team needs you to.

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