How to Avoid Emotional Imbalance While Enjoying a Holiday

How to Avoid Emotional Imbalance While Enjoying a Holiday

As the winters arrive, many people get busy packing and booking tickets as it’s the time where all friends and family get together to celebrate the holiday season. You wait for the entire year to go back home to your near and dear ones, to spend time with them, to exchange gifts and goodies. But many a times as the season gets closer, a lot of people find themselves emotional disturbed for various reasons such as monetary problems or dealing with a member you had a feud with last year.


What are the causes?

There can be a list of things that can make you upset while you are backpacking to go to your town, such as the fear of coming across an old flame or monetary issues that makes your gifts a little less fancy than others. If your spouse or your closest sibling  is busy with work and couldn’t make it for the celebration this year, do not dwell in depression; rather cheer up the rest of the family and get started.


Pay proper attention to your personal health. Exercise regularly; eat your meals on time in order to do away with the daily pressure you face at work and home. Staying fit and healthy will bring in a positive atmosphere for you which will enable you to enjoy the holiday season to the fullest.


Try and know all the reasons that can trigger any emotional imbalance in you while you are hoping to enjoy the holiday. A little extra care and determination can help you avoid such upsetting times.


What can be done?

It’s only you and you who can decide whether you want to stay upset during this holiday season or to do something to keep up the positive holiday spirit. Here’s what you should do:


Understand your feelings: Find out the true reason for your unhappiness. If you are really having trouble in communicating, allow yourself to open up or cry it out. This will make you feel better and take away the load. If someone close has passed away or a member you love isn’t around for whatever reason, try and get a hang on yourself.


Talk it out: Loneliness can be fought away if have someone you can talk to. Look around and tell someone you know what you are going through. Besides family and friends, companionship can be found at many events like a social gathering. Helping someone who is going through a similar problem can prove beneficial for your own positive spirit.


Get practical: As time passes by, trends and traditions change or at the least get altered. Adjust yourself with these changes. If your grandchildren can’t make it back home this season, do a video call while the rest are celebrating. Spending quality time with the close ones is the true shout of the season; focus on that rather than cribbing or arguing with them.


Let bygones be bygones: Having a fight with a family member during the festive season can ruin every one else’s positive spirit. Avoid such situations and indulge yourself in positive things. Holding grudges can also ruin your own mood. Let it go. Free yourself!


Budget management: Do not over spend on things you don’t really require. Holiday shopping brings in a new wave that can make you go overboard and empty your pockets. Plan a proper budget and shop accordingly so that money will not be an issue when you are enjoying the holidays.


Look after yourself: Look after yourself. Take out sometime for your own mind, body and soul. Remember your health is more important than anything else.


Its fine to say no: Missing one of the family trips due to a major reason is okay. Let them know the reason and communicate how sorry you are for not being a part of it.


If you still believe that you can’t cope up with the holiday blues, seek a professional counsellor’s help. There is no need for you to deal with this stress all alone. Holidays are meant to be enjoyed and if you aren’t doing that, you should help yourself.

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