Office Hygiene: How to Avoid Allergy Triggers at Work

Office Hygiene: How to Avoid Allergy Triggers at Work

People spend majority of their time at the office, maybe even more so than they do at home, especially if they are workaholics who always do overtime. However, the long hours spent at work can be rendered unproductive in the case of an employee who has allergies. The office after all is home to several hot-spots for allergens and they can take its toll on the health of allergy sufferers. If you suffer from allergies, here are some of the things you can do to avoid triggering your allergies.

Clean Your Desk Daily

One of the things that I am obsessive-compulsive about is cleaning my desk. When I come back to the office after the weekend, there is always this thin sheet of dust covering its surface. I usually wipe it with alcohol and tissue to remove every speck of dust. If I forget to, my arms often feel itchy after contact with my desk and dust mites. It’s even more vital to clean your desk daily especially if you’re sharing your cubicle with another person who is on graveyard shift. You never know the germs that might be left behind. Your cubemate may have sneezed on your keyboard and pass on colds or flu to you without you knowing. Some may find it a hassle to clean every day, but when it comes to safeguarding your health, you can’t afford not to be vigilant.

Vacuum Frequently

There is a need to vacuum your office frequently, especially if you have a carpeted floor. Carpets are a hot spot for dust mites. If your floor is concrete and you have a carpet covering it, there is chance for moisture to become trapped. When this happens, it becomes a breeding ground for dust mites, and it also allow molds to thrive. Another reason why vacuuming must be done frequently is because of the pet hairs that might have found their way into the building by those who own cats or dogs. Those who are allergic to pet hair will be affected by this and their performance at work will suffer. This is why I believe it’s important for any company to invest in a smart vacuum cleaner. There are brands like Neato Robotics that have a range of smart floor cleaners, including a model designed to pick up allergens and hard-to-remove pet hair.

Maintain Good Air Filtration

Pollen is a seasonal allergen that can find its way inside the office through ventilation or when windows are opened and closed. Air filters must be changed frequently while the heating system as well as the air conditioning system must be maintained at least twice a year. This is to ensure clean air inside the office. To maintain good air filtration, there is also a need to reduce the amount of indoor plants in the office. Although they help in cleansing the air by absorbing carbon dioxide, it is acts like a double-edged sword. You may have had good intentions in placing plants inside the office for a splash of color and for health purposes, but the downside to this green measure is that they can harbor molds. The danger in this is that molds can release spores, which in turn can cause an allergic reaction among allergy-prone employees.

About the Author

Based in San Diego California, Tiffany Matthews is a professional writer with over 5 years of writing experience. She also blogs about travel, fashion, and anything under the sun at, a group blog that she shares with her good friends. In her free time, she likes to travel, read books, and watch movies. You can find her on Twitter as @TiffyCat87.

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