Could Watching Funny Movies Actually Improve Your Health?

Could Watching Funny Movies Actually Improve Your Health?

It’s Friday night. What are you up to? If you’re like many people, there’s a good chance that you have plans to watch a movie, either in the theater or at home.


But before choose a flick from one of your free movie apps or at the box office, keep this in mind: The movie you choose can actually make a measurable difference in your health. That’s right. While you might not think that spending two hours watching superheroes save the day or an ingénue falling in love will keep your heart healthy, if the film is funny, there’s a good chance you’ll be doing yourself some good.


Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Numerous studies have explored the connection between laughter and well- being, and the results are clear: Laughter has a significant, positive effect on your health.


A study at the University of Maryland even indicated that laughing at a funny movie for a few hours can have the same effects as working out on your cardiovascular system. Laughter actually dilates the blood vessels by more than 20 percent, because the tissue on the sides of the blood vessels dilates and allows more blood to flow. This translates into lower blood pressure — and the effects are lasting. According to the American College of Cardiology, the effects of laughter last for up to 45 minutes.


Laughing at a funny movie has also been proven to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to weight gain as well as high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. On the other hand, watching a suspenseful or scary film can actually have the opposite effect. Spending two hours on the edge of your seat will cause a spike in cortisol and adrenaline, which in turn has a negative impact on your heart. And when you are stressed, your blood vessels can constrict for up to 35 minutes; if you are already stressed and have high blood pressure, further restricting blood flow can have damaging effects on your heart, and even increase your chance of heart attack or stroke.


I Have a Funny Feeling …

Beyond the scientifically proven physical effects, laughing at funny films can have powerful emotional and psychological benefits.


The same University of Maryland study discovered that people with the ability to laugh at stressful situations can actually mitigate the potential effects on the heart and vascular system. In fact, some experts recommend seeing a funny movie when you’re dealing with a particularly stressful situation, as taking time to laugh can actually help you find a resolution to the problem. Because watching comedies reduces feelings of fear and aggression, you’re better able to respond to problems and come up with creative solutions after watching “The Three Stooges” than you would be after watching “Saw.”


In fact, watching intense or scary films can actually have negative effects on your brain’s ability to function. Neuroscientists at Rockefeller University in New York have found that watching scary movies can trigger bad memories and negative feelings in viewers. Not only are these feelings difficult to process, they can also lead to harmful physical effects. Experts recommend that those who have experienced trauma, stressful events or are in the midst of difficult situations should avoid horror or action films until they have a handle on their emotions to avoid triggering anxiety, stress and other health issues.


Getting Your Laugh On

The key to getting the maximum benefits from laughter, scientists note, is at least 15 minutes of full-on belly laughs. A half-hearted chuckle or a little giggle won’t allow the blood vessels to dilate enough to allow for the maximum heart benefits. And watching with others is believed to increase the positive effects of laughter; watching a funny movie with a group of people who are also cracking up can give you a happiness boost and make the heart-healthy effects last longer.


While watching comedies on a Friday night won’t have the same long-term effects on your blood pressure as a healthy diet, exercise and, if necessary, medication, it can be an important part of a heart-healthy lifestyle. So when you’re given the choice between a comedy and any other type of film, choose the one that will give you a giggle — your heart will thank you.



About the Author:

Janine Simmons writes about health and wellness for several blogs. She has a great sense of humor, and especially loves the work of Mel Brooks for a feel-good laugh.

Funny Movieshealthlaughter