Probiotics: Which Ones Are Right For You?

Probiotics: Which Ones Are Right For You?

Almost everyone has heard of probiotics. They truly are big news, what with companies advertising constantly about the benefits that they can have for you ‘gut’. It seems that these companies will suggest that probiotics are good for almost every condition in the world – and while it may be true that some can make a difference to your overall healthiness, the kind of constant advertising that is thrown at us can make it very difficult to establish which probiotics might be best for us.


Let’s face it – some probiotics are going to be better than others. That’s just the way everything works in life and there’s no reason to think it should be any different with probiotics. Probiotics are not all the same and some can help you in different ways than others, so it’s important to focus on what it is that you want to get out of taking the probiotics rather than just blindly using them in the hope that it will improve your health and wellbeing. It’s this kind of action that can lead to you spending a lot of money on these supposed treatments only to be disheartened and upset when they don’t work and appear to have wasted all your time, effort and cash.


Some probiotics are purported to have the ability to boost your immune system, sooth your itching skin and even get rid of an upset stomach. So which ones should you take if you want to do this? There are many stories that you hear of people being worried when they are on antibiotics, because they aren’t getting better or appear to have worsening symptoms. In one case, a woman was prescribed stronger and stronger antibiotics only to encounter more problems that she had to begin with – in trying to fight off her intestinal infection, it appeared the antibiotics had made it worse.


However, when she took an over the counter probiotic called Florastor, it was reported to help her return to normal very quickly. Indeed soon she found that she was able to eat normally again and all was well. It’s important to remember, of course, that this is only likely to be true in a very tiny minority of cases and in the vast majority of situations antibiotics are what you need if you are to overcome illnesses. In fact, it’s well known that the large amounts of money that corporations plug into probiotics (most of which do literally nothing at all and cannot possibly benefit your health) would be much better spent researching antibiotics that can heal people.


Unfortunately, as antibiotics cannot be sold in the way that probiotics can – in a commercial form – they are not remotely near as profitable, as gullible people will continue to buy probiotics under the misapprehension that it will benefit their health when really there is very little it can do. Rather than thinking that probiotics might be able to help because of packages that said things like ‘active cultures’ or ‘good bacteria’ which essentially is saying nothing but sounding like it might be positive, it’s a much better idea to promote the understanding of rational scientific thought.


The reason probiotics can be sold by any company in a supermarket is because their supposed health enhancements and abilities to change your body cannot be proven by science. This suggests that actually, if you want to know which probiotic is right for you, there is a simple answer – none of them. Probiotics are a terrible waste of money and must be ignored by the rational thinking person.
