Warning: Bloating Could be the Reason You’re Overweight

Warning: Bloating Could be the Reason You’re Overweight

You have probably seen the adverts on television, where women find that bloating is the reason behind their weight problems, and also find that miracle product that helps them shed the pounds faster than any fitness regime. It is important for women to remember, however, that a certain amount of bloating is a normal part of everyday wellness, and that they will find a certain amount of bloating occurring naturally as part of their monthly cycle.


If you find that your wellbeing is affected by bloating during (or just after) your menstrual cycle, you need to look at ways to control the bloating as well as any other weight-loss plan that you are following.


Research has shown that eating foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, including some types of bread, can be part of be part of the problem and can lead to increased bloat. This is part of the reason why women who are dieting are advised to steer clear of complex carbs as much as possible.  In addition to this, women should also avoid drinking alcohol, as a lot of research has linked bloating to the consumption of alcohol.


Prescription medications have also been linked to bloating, as they can cause you to retain water, but of course there may not be a way to avoid medication that you have been prescribed!


In addition to any dietary elements, bloating can also be caused by inactivity. If your job involves sitting down for a lot of the day (such as at a desk, in front of a computer) you may find that you struggle more than most with bloating issues. Make sure that you take regular breaks and take a bit of exercise to get your blood circulating, even if it’s just walking up and down stairs a few times. This will get your circulation going and improve your digestion, to reduce bloating.
