Health Mistakes You’re Probably Making Every Day

Drinking Fruit Juice

The fruit you consume should be fresh. Reading the ingredient list on almost any fruit juice’s nutrition label will reveal that what is in the container bears little resemblance to what was originally picked off the tree or bush. What remains is mostly sugar, which wreaks havoc on your smile, your waistline and, when you find out you have cavities that need to be filled, your bank account. If you continue to consume such sugary liquids, you will have no choice but to enlist the aid of Indianapolis dentures and dental services that can provide you with dentures. You should drink water, green tea or black coffee instead.


Not Flossing

Your smile cannot survive on brushing alone. Flossing does about 40 percent of the work that is required to remove plaque—which, just as a reminder, is sticky bacteria—from your teeth. Setting aside a few minutes each day for flossing may seem like a waste. However, when the alternative is a root canal or some other painful, expensive dental procedure, the time investment seems like a great trade-off.


Eating Low-Fat or Fat-Free Foods

Contrary to popular belief, eating fat does not make you fat. In fact, unsaturated fats are an essential part of a well-balanced diet. Saturated fats, on the other hand, should be avoided. Most low-fat or fat-free foods (for example, fat-free peanut butter) are loaded with sugar to compensate for their lack of fat. If you are going to purchase such foods, read the label to make sure they are low in sugar, salt and other nutritionally worthless additives.


Not Getting Enough Sleep

Sleeping less may marginally improve your productivity in the short run. In the long run, though, skipping out on even a couple hours each night will weaken your immune system and reduce your mental acuity. You will also likely be quite grumpy, which will have a negative impact on your coworkers, family members and friends.


Skipping Breakfast

You should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a commoner, and dinner like a pauper. Being in a hurry is no excuse for skipping breakfast, which truly is the most important meal of the day. You should be eating generous servings of complex carbohydrates, protein and good fats to start your day off right. Foods such as unsweetened oatmeal, wheat toast, whole eggs or egg whites, natural peanut butter and Greek yogurt will provide you with a beginning-of-the-day boost and prevent mid-morning snack cravings.

breakfastfoodsfreefree foodsFruit JuicehealthMistakesnbsppeanut butterSkipping BreakfastSugar