Warning: Losing Weight too Fast Can be Very Bad for You

Warning: Losing Weight too Fast Can be Very Bad for You

When you want to lose weight, the traditional methods such as following a calorie controlled diet and increasing your fitness can seem tedious. What you really want is to shed lot of pounds in the shortest possible amount of time. Advertisements for miracle diets do not help, as they seem to offer this possibility. In truth, though, if you want to lose weight but not lose your grasp on your wellness and wellbeing, the old methods really are the best.


Despite what the adverts may claim, it is often not possible and definitely not healthy to lost vast amounts of weight in a short period of time. These claims are often made on the back of marketing for dietary supplements or weight loss magazines, and people jump at the chance of getting rid of fat fast, and with very little effort.


Most experts agree, however, that fast weight loss is not healthy weight loss. Instead, they recommend that people should aim for a weight loss of around one or two pounds per week. Although this may not seem like a fast enough rate of weight loss, a steady loss of this size would see you being 24 pounds lighter in just 12 weeks – a far more realistic goal but impressive nevertheless.


When you try to lose a lot of weight very quickly, it’s often done through starvation methods. This is not sustainable for a long period of time, and if you try to keep going with it, you may start to regain weight or at least plateau. This can make you rebound into bad eating habits again.


Also, weight that is lost quickly very seldom stays off. If you lose weight fast you have not learned to change your long term eating habits and so as soon as you eat normally again, you find that the weight just comes back on even more easily than it went off.

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