Top 10 Celebrity Workout Tips

Top 10 Celebrity Workout Tips

Many of us hanker after that classic celebrity body. Even if we don’t want the lifestyle or the money of the rich and famous, we would like to look like they do. Indeed, looking the right way has become a kind of an obsession for a large number of people who are willing to go on any diet and use any workout regime in order to get the kind of physique of their favourite stars. But it’s worth asking, if we crave a Hollywood body, why aren’t we listening to what the Hollywood stars say is their top workout techniques. Here’s a list of ten of the top workout techniques used by celebrities.

Get the arms of Jessica Biel
Jessica Biel gets the kind of arms that are in all her Hollywood movies by going to back to basics and choosing do the humble press up. Press ups are great because they work out your whole arm and your chest muscles as well. They give you incredible looking arms.

Get the back and shoulders of Halle Berry
How does Halle Berry achieve her amazing back shoulders? She uses a technique called dumbbell back rocks. This involves sitting on a stability ball and bending at the waist until your body is parallel to the floor, chest is on knees, and arms are hanging toward the floor. You then draw your elbows back and up, bringing your shoulder blades toward each other, and finally lower dumbbells back down.

Get the bum of Jennifer Aniston
To get her bum toned for her movie roles Jennifer Aniston is known to use the dancing half-moon kick. This is a move that combines yoga and the traditional workout and you perform the move by standing in the straddle stance with your knees bent and your toes facing out. You should then shift your weight onto your right leg while straightening out your left leg. Then bend sideways over your leg. Finally you need to put both of your hands on the floor just in front of your right foot. And then you need to extend your left leg toward the ceiling while straightening your right leg out. This works as a fantastic way to get your glutes working hard.

Get the legs of Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow is famous for having great legs, but what’s her secret? Well, she uses a workout move known as the crossover leg lift. It’s a great way to work out your whole leg in one move and you can do it by sitting on the floor and putting your weight onto your right hip, place your hands and forearms on the floor for support then lift your leg up into the air with your foot fully flexed, and then bring the leg down so that it is nearly touching the floor. You can then repeat the process with the other leg.

Get the abs of Jessica Alba
Who wouldn’t want the abs of Jessica Alba? Her toned midriff is lauded for the fact that it looks so great in many of her movie roles. So it’s often wondered how she does it. The truth is that she uses a move called the twisting plank. To do this you need to begin in the plank position, which is the same as how you would start a press up. Then bring your right knee towards to your left elbow and then return it back again. You can then repeat the process for the other side. This will have your abs toned up and looked positively Alba-esque in no time.

armsfloorGwyneth Paltrowhalle berryhollywoodjennifer anistonjessica albajessica bielleft legWorkout