5 Reasons Why Your Oral Health is so Important

In the hubbub of life, it is extremely easy to forget about your own health when there are so many different things to worry about. Even lower on the list of priorities for many people is their oral health. While life might be busy, taking proper car of your teeth only takes a few minutes every day, and this regular care can prevent a variety of different problems and issues. Here is a quick look at 5 reasons why you should probably bump up oral care on your list of priorities.


Reason One: Preventing Gum Disease

Proper brushing and flossing at least twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste not only keeps your teeth healthy and clean, it also helps to prevent a variety of different problems that can occur in your gums. The foods we eat tend to collect below the gumline in tiny pockets around each tooth. When these debris are not removed, they will begin to collect bacteria, which can then penetrate into the open spaces between your gums and teeth. This can lead to large amounts of pain, as well as swelling and bleeding. It is extremely important to visit a Colorado Springs Periodontist if your gums are red and swollen, since it might also be possible that you have cancer, which often has symptoms that are similar to gum disease.


Reason Two: Keeping Breath Fresh

When meeting other people, one of the first things we can notice is if they have bad breath. Foul breath can lead to a variety of different social issues, which can ultimately have an effect on your own mental health. While there are plenty of different ways to get fresh breath, such as by using mints and gum, these methods will usually only cover the odor instead of removing it. Bacteria is usually the main cause of bad breath, though, these foul smelling creatures can usually be removed with proper brushing and flossing especially if you take the time to clean your tongue. You can also use mouth wash, but this product can cause other oral issues, since it also kills the good bacteria in your mouth


Reason Three: Eating Nutritious Foods

If your teeth and gums are in poor condition, then you more than likely will have a difficult time eating a wide range of different foods. Everyone knows that vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients to keep your body healthy. However, individuals with bleeding gums and loose teeth will more than likely have issues eating these foods that can be hard and crunchy. This can lead to them having a poor diet, which has been linked in some way or another to just about every serious disease. Thus, poor oral care can ultimately lead to the suffering of your entire body as it struggles without the nutrients that it needs.


Reason Four: Avoiding Alzheimer’s Disease

Inflammation from gum disease and infected roots may lead to various types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. While the link between poor oral health and Alzheimer’s is relatively new, and there have only been a few studies on the subject, it is something that is worthy of concern. Who wouldn’t spend a couple minutes every day with their toothbrush and floss instead of suffering years upon years with a faulty memory, which will not only cause your pain and confusion, but they can cause your family an immense amount of pain and suffering.


Reason Five: Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention

The bacteria that develop on teeth and gum tissue can also invade the body by entering the throat. Eventually, these infectious pathogens have the potential to enter into vital organs and blood vessels. Poor oral cavity care can lead to individuals having clogged capillaries and arteries that lead to a higher incidence of strokes or heart attacks. While poor oral health might cause a minimal increase of risk for these serious conditions, it is still a risk, and one that is easy to completely remove.

BrushingGum Diseasehealthy teeth