The Sex Kitten: How Animal Yoga Poses Can Help Your Sex Life

Sexual health and yoga have something in common; they’re ultimate mind-body experiences. Ellen Barrett, author of the book Sexy Yoga, explains, ‘Not only is yoga an amazing stress reliever, but certain postures improve flexibility, increase blood flow, and open your heart—all of which are necessary for a hot sex life.’ Another way yoga amps up your sex life is – according to a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study – through teaching mindfulness, as most of us complain that troubles remaining focused makes sex boring or unemotional. Barrett notes, ‘The mindfulness you learn during yoga can translate to other parts of your life, so you can enjoy lovemaking entirely for what it is, and not think or worry about anything else.’ So, which yoga poses give your sexual wellbeing a boost?



1. The sex kitten: Also known as the cat/cow stretch (although being called a cow isn’t great for your sense of sexual wellness), this pose works your Kegel muscles, which are the same ones that contract during orgasm. You start on your hands and knees with your shoulders directly over your wrists and your hips directly over your knees. Breathing in, slowly arch your back and lift your chest up and away from the belly, extending tailbone toward ceiling. This is known as the cow position. Then, release your feet so the tops are resting on the floor, exhale and round your lower back up into the cat position. You should gently contract your belly as you do this. Repeat this six times and increase range of motion with each repetition.



2. The cobra: Lying with your belly and forehead touching the floor, place your palms face-down by the middle of your ribs. Then, draw your legs together and stretch them out, pressing the tops of your feet into floor. As you draw your elbows close to sides of your body, press your hands down evenly. However, when you next slowly lift your chest off the floor and roll your shoulders down your back, you should do this using the strength of your back – not the force of your hands. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds, breathing evenly, and then gently release to the floor. Barrett comments, ‘This is a heart opener pose. Love, energy, and breath come from your heart chakra, and this pose indirectly connects to sexual intimacy.’ It’s also very energising for those tiring days when sex is the last thing on your mind.



3. The downward-facing dog: This is definitely the most famous of all the yoga poses, and with good reason; it relaxes you and helps get your body ready for a night of passion. Barrett asserts, ‘This is a great pre-sex pose; it slowly warms up your body and helps you tune into the moment.’ On all fours, make sure your wrists are six to 12 inches in front of your shoulders, your knees are hip-width apart and your toes are curled under. Then, pushing evenly into your palms, lift your knees off the floor and raise your tailbone towards the ceiling, pushing the top of your thighs back so that your body looks like an inverted V. Hold this position for a minute and then slowly start to your straighten knees, without locking them. Finally, gently move your chest back towards your thighs until your ears are in line with your upper arms, but don’t let your head dangle. Barrett adds, ‘In this posture, your gaze goes nowhere; you should be looking inward, as though you’re closing your eyes, but not.’

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