How to Keep Healthy by Eating Vegetables for Breakfast

How to Keep Healthy by Eating Vegetables for Breakfast

We all know that appropriate diet and nutrition are essential if you want to protect your wellness and wellbeing, but how many of us eat vegetables for breakfast? It may sound insane, but there are genuinely ways to incorporate vegetables into your breakfast on a daily basis.


The percentage of people who eat the recommended number of daily servings of vegetables is shockingly low, and continues to decrease, and so it is important that we look at ways of getting as many extra vegetables into the diet as possible.


Breakfast is vitally important anyway, and starting off your day in the right way can mean that you feel inspired to keep up the good work for the rest of the day (as well as enjoying the benefits of the extra energy and vitality that healthy food at the start of your day is bound to give you).


Firstly, omelette is a great breakfast, and you can add vegetables to this very easily. Why not try adding some bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, onions or zucchini next time you do an omelette for breakfast? If you’re too busy for all this chopping in the morning then you can top your omelette with some chunky salsa and some slices of avocado. You could even vary this by making a frittata and adding broccoli, cauliflower or any other hearty vegetables.


A whole wheat or corn tortilla can also be a great way to start the day, and they are full of protein and nutrients. You can make a veggie quesadilla abut adding some refried beans, chopped tomatoes, bell peppers and onions and topping with a little low fat grated cheese, then pop it in the microwave for about 30 seconds. This is a great, healthy and very tasty way to start the day.

addingBell Peppersbreakfastnbspomelettevegetables