What Everyone Ought to Know About Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda is an Indian system of complementary medicine. It boosts the wellness and wellbeing through an ancient healing system, and is becoming increasingly popular in the western world, as the benefits of Ayurveda become more and more well known.


There are even hotel spas now that offer Ayurvedic treatments, including aromatherapy massages, body scrubs and other types of ayurvedic healing. Like traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine is an insightful and sometimes complex regimen to help you live more healthily. At times, Ayurveda can border on the bizarre, as it is based on outdated beliefs and deeply rooted in astrology. In fact, Ayurveda has some serious flaws.


The Ayurvedic system is based on the concept that the world are full of imbalances. Much like the Chinese system of ying and yang, Ayurveda believes that there are three forces or dosha in the body, called the yata, the pitta and the kapha, and that all illnesses are a result of imbalances in these dosha.


Ayurvedia was made popular by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was a multi-millionaire famous guru to the Beatles. This brought the system much popularity with celebrities. Ayurveda is a complete lifestyle, and it promotes a system of complete relaxation and a vegetarian diet. Alongside this, herbal remedies are a key part of curing any illnesses.


Ayurveda today is quite different to the ancient idea of complementary healing. Nowadays, the term Ayurveda is used in a much more general way. You can buy Ayurvedic products that are only loosely connected to the system, such as ayurvedic soap, which is available at an inflated price and really has no health benefits associated with it.


At best, Ayurveda’s emphasis on a balanced diet, exercise and yoga can help people to be healthy, which is not so much an ancient healing system as just plain common sense.

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