What Everyone Ought to Know About Erectile Dysfunction

If you are suffering from some kind of sexual dysfunction, your wellness and wellbeing may be at the root of the problem. Two studies, both published in the past week, have revealed that there is a link between chronic diseases and erectile dysfunction. The studies go as far as to say that any patient who comes to see a doctor suffering from poor sexual function should automatically receive a full screening to find out if he has a serious underlying illness.


Thanks to these studies, people may well start to take erectile dysfunction more seriously. People currently see it as an embarrassment or an inconvenience, and something that is readily treatable with a little Viagra. Now, people may realise that sexual dysfunction may be far more serious than they realise.


The research also showed that erectile dysfunction is not necessarily linked to advancing age, as younger men are reporting erectile problems. This may well be linked to an increase in obesity and inactivity.


One of the studies found that around 20 percent of the men participating in the study had erectile dysfunction, which, if the proportion held true for the general population, would mean that around 18 million American men are suffering from sexual dysfunction.


In the study, it was also found that over half of the subjects who had diabetes or high blood pressure had trouble achieving an erection either sometimes, or all of the time. This was also the case for around 22 percent of obese men and 26 percent of the subjects who were very sedentary (such as those who watched television for over three hours per day).


On the other hand, only ten percent of the men who were physically active reported that they were having any kind of sexual problems.

DiseaseDysfunctionErectileerectile dysfunctionnbspsexualsexual dysfunctionstudies