Is Your Sex Drive Being Affected By Diabetes?

Both men and women can be affected by sexual problems as a result of diabetes. Although these health problems are fairly common among diabetics, they are not usually discussed. There is good news though – there are often treatments for diabetes-related sexual health problems. There are a number of reasons why men with diabetes suffer from sex problems, and some of these are no different to those that men in the general population may suffer. The most common result of diabetes in terms of sex is erectile dysfunction, also referred to as impotence. This is the inability to get an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse, and also includes not being able to sustain an erection. There is a number of reasons why this can happen, including damage to the nerves or blood vessels which supply the penis; poor blood sugar control; or stress and fear over not being able to achieve an erection.

Nerve damage is common and can occur because of the ongoing high blood sugar levels which damage the blood vessels that bring oxygen and nutrients to the nerves. When they’re damaged they aren’t able to transmit signals properly. If the nerves that supply the penis are damaged, they may not be able to get the messages from the brain that it needs to respond appropriately, even if you’re mentally stimulated. Nerve damage can also narrow the blood vessels, which makes the blood flow more difficult to your penis, limiting the chance of a successful erection. Atherosclerosis is another issue that can occur, which is the name for a situation when the arteries narrow and harden. If you have diabetes, you’re more at risk of this happening, and the problem increases the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

As well as causing problems with your nerves, diabetes can affect another mechanism which controls the erection which is the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the chemical produced by the body that’s vital for erections, and is released by the penis. High blood pressure can also reduce the libido, so bringing your blood glucose back under control again may restore a man’s sex drive. Stress plays an important role in not being able to perform in bed, and being anxious can quickly become a vicious cycle . Other psychological problems, from depression, can make the issue worse. The combination of psychological and physical problems can make sustaining an erection difficult.


There are many treatments for erectile dysfunction, which means no matter what problem you have it there may be a solution. From counselling to treatments for the physical symptoms, there is a multitude of ways to resolve erectile problems. Oral medicines, such as Viagara, Cialis and Levitra, have all be proven to be effective in treating erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes. Vacuum pump devices are a physical method of producing an erection. And you can also inject the penis with a medicine known as Caverject, which is another effective treatment. And if none of these work, penile implants are also an option. Your doctor is the best person to advise you on the various treatments available to you if you’ve been affected sexually by diabetes. Erectile dysfunction is something which occurs more often and on average 10 to 15 years earlier in men with diabetes than in those who don’t have the condition. It’s also important to remember that lifestyle changes, such as giving up smoking, will affect you in a positive way.

Diabeteserectile dysfunctionSex