6 Tips For Keeping The Weekend Warrior In You Healthy

6 Tips For Keeping The Weekend Warrior In You Healthy

Caught up in busy work and home schedules, many people save their heavy physical routines for the weekend. Though these “weekend warriors” revel in the chance to let loose with their physical energy, they can often sustain injuries from lack of utilizing muscles throughout the workweek.


Interim Exercise
If you can’t get to the gym, do simple stretches and a long walk. Having free weights on hand can help you do a simple workout as you watch TV or prepare for bed. Stretch bands are another good way to do resistance exercises to keep muscles toned without leaving home.


Weight Management
Keeping your weight within normal range can help to reduce pressure on joints and prevent injuries. Maintain good eating habits during the week both at work and at home. Bring cut vegetables for snack instead of going to the vending machines for a bag of chips. Keep yogurt in the refrigerator for when you crave a sweet. Skip the rice or potatoes for one meal each week, and substitute an extra helping of vegetables if you still feel hungry.


Thorough Warm-Ups
Before getting into the game or starting your weekend workout, do some warm-up exercise like stretching, running in place or jumping jacks. This action gets your muscles ready for more work and helps reduce the chance of injury.


Use of Support Equipment & Devices
If you have suffered an injury in the past or have concerns about tendonitis or knee pain, make use of the many types of support equipment that is now available for athletes. An elastic bandage, neoprene brace or support tape can aid in preventing injuries. For tape products, check StrengthTape.com.


Take Care of Minor Injuries Immediately
If you have suffered an injury go into immediate R.I.C.E. treatment, that is, rest, icing the area, compress the injury with an elastic bandage for support and elevate it as much as possible. Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen for discomfort. If the injury lasts for more than a few days, see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.


Know Your Limits
That dive into home plate may seem like a good idea in your head, but your body may be at a point where it lags behind your expectations. Your age and current health condition may have a bearing on what you can accomplish. If you already have a minor injury, tape it following the kinesio tape application instructions for best results.
