If you’re finding sex a little trickier now you’re pregnant, you’re not alone. Many women find this a difficult time to enjoy sex due to the sheer difficulty as you go through each trimester. However, the good news is that it’s not impossible. Here are some tips to help you through your pregnancy and ways to make it enjoyable and fun.
The First Trimester
During the first trimester, it’s not uncommon for sex to be the last thing you want to do. Morning sickness, hormones and exhaustion make this a less than sexy time, so it’s no surprise that you don’t really up to it. It’s also in our genes to lower the libido during pregnancy, as we’re hardwired to seek sex to perpetuate the genetic line – so when you’re pregnant, this automatically grinds to a halt. But sex doesn’t have to be intercourse or an orgasm to be fun. Tell your partner if you’re feeling ambivalent towards sex, and maybe they can offer up a well deserved massage instead. You can always keep an open mind too, as sex may not be the first thing you crave but it can be incredibly relaxing. While it may take you a while to get in the mood, if you happen to have sex then you’ll be glad you did. However, if you’re simply not feeling it, then maybe take a few weeks off from the bedtime activities. Most women find their hormones resurface after a few weeks anyway.
The Second Trimester
Weeks 14 to 28 are the blissful weeks where you really get to enjoy your pregnancy. You’ve no doubt told people now, you’re finally less tired and the morning sickness has subsided. You also get to enjoy your body’s new look, where your definite baby bump appears. Many women find themselves really relishing the fact that they don’t need to worry about their body image anymore and can focus just on being healthy and happy. It sends your confidence levels through the roof, and you’ll be pleased to know that your arousal levels also peak too. Be yourself during this time – if you want to try something new, use your vibrator or go back to the sex you used to enjoy before your got pregnant, go for it! Unless your GP has advised you not to have intercourse, there’s no harm in having sex exactly as you would have. The only risk here is UTIs which could show symptoms of cramps or painful urination – if you spot these, speak to your GP as soon as possible.
The Third Trimester
This is the less than blissful stage, where increased blood flow leads to swollen ankle and disrupted sleep from that big baby bump. You might not be feeling your most attractive, but don’t let that put you off sex – there’s still opportunities for enjoy yourself in the bedroom. Be creative, and remember the first trimester mantra where sex doesn’t have to mean intercourse or an orgasm. Spend time with your partner and just enjoy each other’s company, with a cuddle or a chat. Reassure your partner that sex isn’t going to cause harm to the baby – it’s a worry than many men have during this stage. And remember that this last trimester is a small stage in the grand scheme of things – there’ll be plenty of time to get back to a normal sex life once the baby arrives. This is the best time to simply enjoy the last stage of your pregnancy and be excited for your new arrival.