Could Having More Sex Improve Your Wellness?

Could Having More Sex Improve Your Wellness?

Good news, men – having more sex could improve not only your general wellness but also your sexual health! The more sex you have, the better your overall wellbeing is likely to be. Not only does having sex boost your mood and reduce stress, but recent research has shown that stress can actually slow down the agin gprocess, fight against disease and even heal some wounds!


Sex can also help to benefit your heart. A study printed in the American Journal of Cardiology shows that men who have sex twice a week have a lower risk of contracting cardiovascular disease than men who have sex less often than this. This remained the case even when the researchers made an adjustment for erectile dysfunction cases. Through the research, it was possible for scientists to predict how likely a man was to have a cardiovascular event. It may be that sex is a marker for overall health or it may be that the physical exercise that men get from sex helps them to ward off a heart attack.


Another benefit of sex is that it burns calories; orgasm itself only burns a few, but the prelude to this can burn quite a bit, depending on how much you weigh and how vigorous the lovemaking is. An average 190 pound man could burn around 413 calories over an hour of vigorous lovemaking.


Sex is also a natural sleeping pill. Many men, as soon as they reach orgasm, find their eyelids heavy and within minutes they are snoring soundly.


Sex has also been proven to help reduce stress. Like exercise, stress can lower the stress hormones and help to release anxiety. It also helps people to deal with the mental pressures that are put on them on a daily basis.

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