Are You Clued Up About the Morning After Pill?

Are You Clued Up About the Morning After Pill?

The morning after pill is designed to prevent pregnancy when you have a sexual mishap. This may be that you have foolishly had unprotected sex, or that you have had an accident with your birth control, but they can work up to 120 hours after the event. They work as a one off method, and although there have been concerns about the effect that they could have on your wellness and wellbeing, there is really nothing to suggest that they have any adverse effects.


Emergency contraception can cause irregular periods for a couple of months after you take it, making blood flow heavier or lighter, but within 30 – 60 days, your body should be back to normal again.


Emergency contraceptives are similar to the monthly birth control pill in a lot of ways, as they contain many of the same ingredients. Women have been taking these types of medications for years, and studies have revealed them to be safe. Although there are some side effects (which we’ll talk more about later), they do not have any long term effect.


You don’t have to take an emergency contraceptive straight away, but the sooner you take it, the more effective it is likely to be. These pills usually work by preventing the body from releasing an egg, so that fertilisation cannot occur even if there are sperm still hanging around inside the body. If you take emergency contraception at the time that you are ovulating, however, it will be ineffective, as it is too late to prevent ovulation and conception occurring.


Many women use emergency contraceptives without experiencing any side effects at all, but for some, there are unpleasant symptoms. These can include things like severe PMS, nausea and vomiting, headaches, abdominal pain, cramps and dizziness. If you experience a side effect after taking the emergency pill, you should find that it disappears within one or two days.

afterBirth ControlbodyEffectsEmergencyEmergency contraceptionemergency contraceptivesMorningnbspnbsp emergencyPill