Natural Ways to Help You Beat Your Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are unpleasant and uncomfortable, but are actually one of the most common sexual health problems affecting women. They affect your wellness and wellbeing through itching, discomfort and the release of a thick, white discharge.


All of these uncomfortable symptoms are caused by a fungal infection called Candida, which is the biological name for thrush. Candida flourishes in warm, moist areas and this means that unfortunately the vagina is the perfect environment for it. Normally, other microorganisms in the body help to keep Candida in check, but when there is an imbalance, then this is when a yeast infection occurs.


There are many herbal remedies that can help to relieve the symptoms of thrush, and some simple things that you can do, too (such as cutting down on fruit) in order to help make you more comfortable and reduce the chances of it recurring.


Yeast thrives on sugars, so depriving your body of sugar whilst suffering from an attack of thrush can help to reduce it. Cut down on fruit and instead eat plenty of vegetables, which boost your immunity through their nutrients. Echinacea can also help to improve your immune system.


Many herbs can also be used to help fight against yeast – things like Calendula, goldenseal, cedar, myrrh and rosemary all have antifungal properties. If you make up strong infusions of these herbs, you can use them either internally on the vagina or externally to help soothe the burning and itching caused by thrush.


Garlic is also great at fighting against yeast and fungus, and is particularly good at fighting against Candida and stopping it from growing. If you can tolerate it, try to chew or swallow at least one clove of raw garlic every day. You can mince it if you prefer and sprinkle it over a salad.

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