Have you Tried Improving Sex With the Valsalva Manoeuvre?

Have you Tried Improving Sex With the Valsalva Manoeuvre?

Have you ever heard of the Valsalva manoeuvre? This is a technique employed in emptying the bladder, and can enormously benefit your physical wellness and wellbeing. The Valsalva manoeuvre is often taught as part of sexual therapy, and it can help to treat the very common male problem of premature or rapid ejaculation during sex.


This is a fairly simple technique, and it involves holding the breath whilst bearing down, as if you are trying to have a bowel movement.


Flaccid bladder is a condition where sufferers find it hard to fully empty their bladder, and the manoeuvre is used in these cases at the end of urination, in order to squeeze the last little bit out. To do this, sufferers have to remain seated on the toilet, finish urinating, and then hold their breath, leaning forward slightly. They then bear down slightly as if having a bowel movement and should find that the last bit of urine is drained from the bladder. This helps to empty the bladder completely, and is commonly suggested for people who are suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that affects motor and sensory control and can lead to complications such as flaccid bladder.


When it comes to premature ejaculation, the manoeuvre is generally used differently. The aim of the manoeuvre in this case is to increase the intimacy between partners and help the male to regain his sense of ejaculatory control.


A man who is employing the valsalva manoeuvre during sex will normally do so alongside the start-stop technique. After the start-stop technique has been introduced (along with the important communication that is vital for sexual therapy) a man can try the valsalva manoeuvre to help him regain control. When he feels as if he is about to ejaculate, he holds his breath and then bears down as if he is trying to do a poo and this should delay ejaculation.

bladderbowel movementEjaculationflaccid bladdermanoeuvrenbspsexual therapytechniquevalsalvavalsalva manoeuvre