Tone-Up: Exercises to Condition and Strengthen Your Body

Toning exercises are great for conditioning your muscles and improving your strength. Many people don’t realise that these exercises can also raise your metabolism by building muscle, so you could even burn more energy. There are also certain techniques you can use to prevent osteoporosis, release stress from the body, and tone up your whole body. These are some basic toning exercises to add to your workout for great results.

Overhead Shoulder Press

This exercise works the upper shoulder and upper back, as well as your main shoulder area. You’ll need some light weights, or a 20oz filled water bottle. If you don’t have either of these, an unopened soup can will work in the same way. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent, placing your feet hip distance apart with your toes pointing forwards. Hold the weights at shoulder height with your palms facing forward, then exhale and slowly lift both arms upright past your ears and above your head, to a full arm extension. Inhale as you evenly lower your arms to the starting position, then repeat for a set of eight.

Bicep Curl

This works the mid upper arm and you’ll be able to use the same weights as you did in the previous exercise. Standing in the starting position, with your knees slightly bent and your toes facing forward, hold the weights in both hands, palms facing upward, with your elbows positioned next to the waist and rib cage. Position your arms so the weights are directly above the thighs and your elbows are slightly bent. Exhale as you lift both forearms upright to your shoulders, to a full bicep curl. Then inhale as your evenly and slowly lower both arms down to the starting position. Be sure to squeeze your bicep muscles as you lift down, rather than letting gravity do the work. Repeat the exercise for a set of eight.

Alternating Obliques Sit Up

This works your waist and side, and your abdominals. You don’t need anything more than a mat or towel to lie on to do this exercise, making it ideal to do anywhere. Lie on your back and bend your knees, placing both of your feet on the floor. Place your hands behind your ears, gently supporting your head but not holding or lifting your head up. Push your lower spine flat against the floor – if it helps, pretend there is a zip holding your lower spine to the floor. Slowly lift your shoulder off the floor, using your abdominal muscles – as you lift, imagine squeezing your belly button into your spine. Once you’ve lifted, twist to the left by angling your right shoulder and right elbow towards your left knee. Squeeze the left oblique muscles into your waist and side as you twist, then return to the centre lifting position. Exhale as your lift and complete the twist, then inhale as you slowly lower the shoulders back to the floor. Repeat for a set of eight, then repeat on the other side.


This works your buttocks, front upper thigh and mid rear thigh, and you don’t need any equipment – just your own body weight. Stand up straight with your feet placed hip distance apart and your shoulders even. Bend your elbows and hold both arms in a boxer position. Maintain proper back alignment, with your ears, shoulders and hips in a straight line, sit in a squat position by bending your knees and quadriceps muscles. Lower your body past the sitting position if you want a more advanced exercise, then balance your weight by pressing the weight through your heels rather than pushing into your toes. Inhale as you squat down, then exhale as you slowly stand back up.

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