Top Tricks For Getting The Body You’ve Always Wanted

We all have big plans to turn our abs into a washboard six-pack, but if your plans to achieve it have waned it may be time to try a new method. Weight loss expert Dr Jonny Bowden states that the dietary recommendations, with regards to lower animal fat, reduced saturated fats and carbs, have changed drastically over the past 30 years. There are many misconceptions about what we need to do in order to be lean and healthy, and also about what we should and shouldn’t be eating, meaning that ‘eating healthy’ could be wildly different for each person. Through no fault of their own much of the time, people are clueless about what they should be filling their plates with. But there are some lesser known techniques that could help you achieve a leaner physique by summer. While some of them may be unconventional, they could be the stepping stone you need to build a leaner body and meet those goals you’ve been struggling to reach.

The first tip is to train on an empty stomach. If you’re used to eating within 30 minutes before a workout, you’re probably familiar with the routine of fuelling up for your workout with 20g of protein and between 20 and 40g of carbs to prevent your muscles from waning, and supplying your body with energy. But if that hasn’t worked for you so far, you may find that skipping the pre-workout meal offers better results. This is an age-old trick that bodybuilders of the past used to do consistently, and it offered results. The best time to work out is after you’ve fasted all night, when your blood sugars are low, if you’re trying to burn fat. Because if you want to burn the fat you already have in your body, why would you want to load up on glucose and carbs and then simply burn those during the workout? If you can’t get through the workout on an empty stomach, opt for something light such as an apple or a scoop of whey protein shake with some berries. Be sure to drink plenty of water though, to keep your body hydrated as you exercise.


Don’t shy away from saturated fats – in certain doses, they are actually necessary for good health. It may sound counterintuitive, but fats nourish your skin, hair and nails, as well as providing the foundations for hormones such as testosterone. If we look back to cavemen, they didn’t fuel their bodies with low-fat foods – they ate whatever meats they could hunt or fish. By this reasoning, foods such as eggs, coconut and beef will provide your body with the right levels of fat you need to stay healthy. The best rule to stick by is to opt for foods where these fats are naturally occurring, and avoid foods which are processed and have too much fat. Opt for natural foods which have omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have been proven to do wonders for your health. You should also reconsider your refined carb intake. Eating loads of carbs to fuel your workout is basically the same as creating an insulin fountain, which drives weight gain. Opting to focus on carbs instead of protein and fat, which have limited effect on insulin levels, raises your fat storage hormone and increases your chance of gaining weight. So aim to reduce your carbs and you’ll instantly lower your risk of gaining weight.

bodycarbsexercisefitnessfoodsgaining weightlean musclesaturated fatsweightWorkout