Build Bigger Biceps With These Tips And Techniques

According to some researchers and fitness experts, it really is as easy as lifting heavy weights to build bulging biceps that put your gym buddies to shame. But there does seem to be a bit more to it than that – a little scientific edge and a lot of determination could put you in the realms of physical definition you could have only dreamt of before. Biceps are one of the leading body parts that men want to improve, but curling a weight aimlessly isn’t going to cut it. By combining these five strategies into your normal routine, you’ll notice that the muscle size and quality you gain is second to none.

Take a look at your grip width

The grip-width you use on barbell curls could actually affect your bicep growth, because using a standard, shoulder-width grip uses both the long head and short head of the biceps fairly evenly. However, the wider you go from there, the more the inner part of the bicep is emphasised. So be sure to include some wider than shoulder-width grip curls as well as your standard shoulder-width curls. This will help you to bring up the size of your biceps head, which will create large biceps overall.

Take a seat

You probably already know the benefits of partial movements by now, but did you know that this can be applied to your biceps as well? When you do a full range of motion  (ROM) curl, you’re limited to a weight that you can perform through the weakest portion of the ROM – if you’re using proper form, that is. Doing a seated barbell curl helps you to focus on the stress you place on the bicep, so you can place a greater overload on the muscle, since you are strongest in the top half during ROM. Most guys can curl around 20 to 30 per cent more weight on a seated barbell curl than standard curls.

Be sure to stretch

Seated incline dumbbell curls are one of the only ways to stretch the long head of the biceps. When you sit on an incline, your arms move behind your torso. This means that it stretches the long head so that you can contract with more force. Therefore, when you perform incline curls, greater emphasis is placed on this area. You want to achieve this because it gives your arm a better shape when viewed from the side, and it forms the biceps peak that pops when you flex. Make time for regular stretching to create a nicer shape the muscle you build.

Start using resistance bands

They may seem like the kind of equipment better suited to a Pilates studio, but bands provide a unique type of resistance known as linear variable resistance, which means the resistance changes as the range of motion increases. For example, in a bicep curl, in the bottom position there is little tension from the bands. But as you curl up, the band is stretched, and the higher you curl the more this is resisted by the band. This can help to increase the muscle power in your biceps and muscle strength beyond that which is possible with just free weights such as dumbbells and barbells. Better yet, you can use them anywhere so you don’t have to give up on your training just because you’re not at the gym. They make muscle building easier and equally as effective from any location you choose, without the heavy load.

barbell curlBicepscurlexercisegrip widthlong headMuscle Gainseated barbellshoulder widthstandard shoulderwidth grip
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