Sexy Beast: Yoga Moves Inspired by the Animal Kingdom

Have you ever noticed how many yoga poses are named after members of the animal kingdom? This isn’t just a fun way of helping you remember each pose; mimicking other creatures is actually beneficial for your fitness and wellbeing. Not only are the following poses – courtesy of Personal Trainer Amy Roberts, NASM-CPT – fun to say and do, they also benefit your wellness by strengthening and elongating your muscles, and toning muscles you didn’t know you had! When working through these moves, try to do them as quickly as you can, only pausing when you need to, and complete the circuit three times with a 30- to 60-second break between each round.


1. Frog Squat Jumps: Frogs may not be the sexiest animal you can think of, but the explosive power and wide stance of this amphibian-inspired exercise work your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and inner thighs and get your heart rate up to its peak calorie-burning power. Roberts instructs, ‘Stand tall, with your feet a little wider than hip-width and your feet slightly turned out (A). Squat down and place your hands on the ground between your legs, keeping your chest and chin up (B). Spring off your bent legs, throwing your arms into the air so your body is fully extended at the top of the jump (C). Bring your arms back down as you land in the frog squat position. Do 10 reps.’


2. Inchworms: This movement is tougher than it looks and engages pretty much every muscle group in your body. ‘Hinge at your hips to place your hands on the floor in front of your feet, keeping your legs as straight as possible,’ says Roberts ‘(A). Begin walking your hands out in front of you (B) taking small steps until you’re in a plank position (C). Then walk your feet up to your hands, also with small steps. Do four reps, then turn around and do four more.’


3. Crab Walks: This is a great move for your glutes, shoulders and triceps. Roberts notes, ‘Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your hands behind you, then lift your hips up (A). Step your right foot out to the side (B), then follow with your right arm (C). Take four steps to the right, then switch directions for four steps to the left; repeat four times.’


4. Double-Duty Dogs: As well as providing strength training for your arms and core, this amped-up yoga move gives your legs a good stretching session. ‘Set yourself up in downward dog position, an inverted V shape on your hands and knees with your hips high in the air,’ Roberts explains. ‘(A). Crouch back on your “haunches” so your hips are over your heels, bending your arms and lowering your elbows toward the floor (B). Scoop your body forward, skimming your chest above the ground and then arching up your upper body so your head is pointing toward the ceiling in an upward dog pose (C). Fluidly return to downward dog position by raising your hips up while pulling your head between your arms. Do eight reps.’ You can rest your knees on the ground to make this move easier.


5. Lizard Crawl and Retreat: Ever wondered why lizards are so slim? This move works your whole body, especially when you do it both to and fro. ‘On all fours, bend your knees and splay them out the side,’ Roberts details ‘(A). Crawl forward, left hand and right foot together (B), then right hand and left foot together (C), keeping your body low and your knees bent and wide. Take four paces forward, then return to start by crawling back in reverse. Do four reps.’

animal kingdombodydog positionDouble-Duty DogsDownward Dogfrog squathandsInchwormsKneesLizard Crawl and Retreatrobertssmall steps
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