Alcohol Related to Dementia? Understand the Facts

People who abuse alcohol for several years are at risk of developing alcohol dementia. This serious medical condition is caused by a vitamin B-1 deficiency and the extensive damage that alcohol consumption causes to the nervous system. Additionally, an alcoholic’s body is not able to absorb thiamine properly, and this can cause severe neurological issues.



What are the Symptoms of Alcohol Dementia?

Individuals who are suffering from alcohol dementia are likely to exhibit personality changes, short-term memory problems, disorientation, lack of motivation, unsteady movements, blurred vision, difficulty with conversations and the inability to solve problems and make important decisions.



What are Some of the Risks of Alcohol Abuse?


1. Cancer 

Abusing alcohol has been conclusively linked to increasing a patient’s risk of developing several forms of cancer, including stomach, throat, kidney, liver, esophagus, colon, larynx and rectum. In other words, making the decision to drink on a regular basis could cause you to face a serious and potentially deadly medical condition.


2. DUI 

Getting arrested for a DUI will force you to deal with several severe legal consequences, especially if you injure or kill another person. Even first-time offenders often end up paying approximately $10,000 in legal fines and fees, and you will also face the risk of losing your job. If you ever find yourself in this situation, it is imperative for you to retain legal counsel immediately. After all, an experienced DUI attorney can help you get an acquittal or a reduction in legal penalties.


3. Death 

There are several ways for alcohol to kill you such as organ malfunction, excessive intoxication and alcohol poisoning. You will also be at risk if you make the unwise decision to get behind the wheel while you are drunk. Keep in mind that alcohol can severely impair your judgment skills, and this could cause you to unwittingly lose your life.


4. Diabetes 

Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to diabetes in many patients. Unfortunately, this medical condition will become greatly exacerbated by continuing to drink, and this means that an alcoholic could easily end up in the hospital on a regular basis.


5. Night Blindness 

Alcohol can cause a serious vitamin A deficiency, and this could lead to issues with night blindness. Additionally, many alcoholics have a vitamin D deficiency, and this makes it much easier for their bones to become fractured after a minor injury.


6. Sexual Difficulties 

It is common for male alcoholics to develop issues with impotence and erectile dysfunction. In other words, if you want to have a healthy sex life, it is imperative for you to avoid drinking excessively.


As you can see, overusing alcohol can have a negative impact on anyone’s general health, and it can also increase your risk of developing several very serious medical conditions. Due to this, it is wise for everyone to drink responsibly or abstain altogether. If you or a loved one is battling alcoholism, you should seek immediate attention before it leads to cancer, diabetes or death.



Lisa Coleman shares the possible negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption to someone’s overall health. She recently read at the kind of legal impact a DUI can cause for someone due to too much alcohol consumption.



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Alcoholalcohol consumptionalcohol dementiacancerDementiaDiabetesDUIexcessive alcoholexcessive alcohol consumptionMedical Conditionnbspnbsp nbspnight blindnessregular basis