The Dangers of Having Unprotected Anal Sex

The Dangers of Having Unprotected Anal Sex

When people think about sexual wellness issues, such as STIs and STDs, they usually think about issues related to their wellbeing following on from vaginal intercourse or oral sex. It is true that most STDs are transmitted in this way, but there are some that can be transmitted via anal sex. This can be a devastating blow to people who choose to have anal sex as a way of avoiding the risks of unprotected sex.


In actual fact, some studies have now shown that STDs are more easily transmitted through anal sex rather than vaginal sex, because the skin of the anus is thinner than the skin of the vagina. The anus also offers no natural lubrication and therefore the skin is more prone to tears. These open tears or sores give any STDs (especially those like hepatitis or HIV) a direct route inside the human body.


Anal sex causes a certain level of trauma to the human body, and that can be a difficulty, especially when it comes to HIV.


You can catch every type of sexually transmitted disease that exists through having anal sex – including HIV, HPV (genital warts), herpes, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and hepatitis B. Not only can all of these STDs be easily transmitted through the thin skin that surrounds the anus, but the partner who penetrates the other during anal sex is at risk of getting a disease too, as the anus is a prime area where bacteria can propagate. Even if a condom is used, the risk remains because the sores of diseases such as genital warts and herpes can be present inside and outside of the anal opening, which makes contact with the infection far more likely. Anal herpes can even be transmitted when there are no active sores present.

analanal sexanusdangerseasily transmittedgenital wartshuman bodySexskinSTDstransmitted