7 Supplements that Help Women Lose Weight and Build Muscle

When it comes to losing weight, there’s not substitute for or shortcut around a healthy, balanced diet and exercise programme. That said, you can always help your wellbeing along by adding some lean muscle mass or weight loss supplements. There are plenty of options available to give your diet wellness a boost, so let’s take a look at what’s on offer in a little more detail.


1. Raspberry ketones and African mango: Raspberry ketones and African mango usually get mentioned together because you’ll find both ingredients in most of the weight loss supplements you try. In 2012, Dr. Oz praised this duo as one of the latest and greatest weight loss supplements for women. Award-winning wellness writer Hope Gillette comments, ‘While there is little large-scale data to back up the claims, raspberry ketones supposedly regulate the hormones related to fat burning, tricking the body into thinking it’s thin while at the same time slightly increasing the body’s core temperature to promote caloric burn. African mango enhances the fat burn associated with this supplement and regulates the hormone leptin.’


2. Garcinia cambogia: You may have heard of this supplement by another name, such as acide Hydroxycitrique, HCA and Brindal Berry. Gillette explains, ‘Garcinia cambogia originates in Southeast Asia and is one of the more recent additions to the weight  loss supplements for women list. Like most natural supplements the claims with garcinia cambogia have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration; however, this product’s claims to fame include promotion of a gradual sugar release into the blood stream which prevents the body from storing it as fat.’


3. CLA: Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is one of the more popular weight loss supplements around. Gillette explains that the supplement ‘utilises the fatty acids found in CLA to help reduce feelings of hunger, decrease body fat, build lean body mass, and promote a feeling of fullness.’ Again, the research to back up these claims is, at best, mixed, but according to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, CLA is “possibly safe” and “possibly effective.”


4. Green tea: ‘The benefits of green tea are numerous, but when it comes to weight loss the reviews are still inconclusive,’ says Gillette. ‘Still the antioxidant properties are reason enough to give this supplement a try for dropping those extra pounds. Some preliminary evidence suggests green tea decreases appetite and increases calorie and fat metabolism.’


5. Hoodia: The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine states that the stem of the Hoodia root has been traditionally used by bushmen to reduce hunger and thirst during long hunts. However, Gillette warns, ‘It is important to note that there are no human studies on the safety or efficacy of Hoodia, so add to your diet at your own risk.’


6. Flaxseed oil: Unlike the weight loss supplements we’ve mentioned already, flaxseed oil aims to build lean muscle mass and should be used alongside your exercise programme. Gillette details, ‘This natural oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids and…stimulates burn of fat cells while also aiding in muscle recovery. Flaxseed oil is considered beneficial as a lean muscle mass supplement for women because it promotes healthy muscle production and retention. Some studies suggest, however, that flaxseed oil can have negative effects if more than 30 grams are consumed daily.’


7. Whey protein: Again, whey protein is like flaxseed oil and helps you to build lean muscle mass. ‘When taken after a workout, whey protein activates certain cellular mechanisms, which in turn promote muscle protein synthesis, boost thyroid function, and also protect against declining testosterone levels after exercise,’ Gillette points out. ‘To promote muscle growth, whey protein must be taken within two hours post exercise.’

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