Run in 2014 Without Running into Injuries: 5 Safety Tips

Run in 2014 Without Running into Injuries: 5 Safety Tips

Running is one of the most effective and popular exercises ways to stay in shape and burn off calories. However, it can create strain on the muscles and joints of the lower body, making injuries a common occurrence among runners. Here are 5 tip to keep you running injury-free throughout 2014.


1. If It’s Painful, Stop

If you experience any discomfort during your run, stop immediately before the pain gets worse. Your body is trying to tell you that something isn’t right, and it’s more important to attend to the issue than push through your run. As you’re recovering from an injury, it’s also important to listen to your body and not return to your running regime too quickly.


2. Don’t Do Too Much

You may be excited to start a new running program or increase your mileage, but pushing yourself too hard is a surefire way to cause injury. It’s important to build up your endurance slowly. One common rule is to increase the distance or amount of time you run by no more than 10% a week. Be sure to give yourself adequate time to recover between runs.


3. Warm-up and Stretch

Before beginning your run, it’s important to warm-up your body. Walking for five minutes or engaging in a set of jumping jacks can help get the blood flowing. Stretching is also a vital part of any runner’s routine, but stretches should be performed after your body is warmed up. The hamstrings and calves are especially important to stretch, as they are two of the spots most susceptible to injury.


4. Get the Proper Shoes

Finding the correct shoes can help reduce strain on your joints and keep your feet comfortable. As everyone has different feet and a different running style, you’ll want to do some research before making a purchase. Shoes should also be replaced every 300 – 500 miles, as worn out shoes can cause foot issues. If you have foot issues even with the right shoes, it can be wise to seek out a professional, such as Dalhousie Station Foot Clinic. It is much better to treat a potential injury early than wait. Good shoes can be a big part of your recovery and help you get back into the sport faster.


5. Do Strength Training

Strengthening your muscles and joints is a great way to stave off injury. Your hips and core are especially important in running, as they promote stability in your legs, and strengthening those areas can lead to increased running performance. Upper body strengthening can also help you run in a more balanced fashion and maintain speed through longer runs.

bodyfoot issuesinjuriesInjurynbspRunRunningSafetyShoesTips