New Year New You? The Best Reasons to Get Into Shape

New Year New You? The Best Reasons to Get Into Shape

Besides looking your best, what are the main reasons to lose weight and increase your fitness? There are lot of reasons that go above and beyond what you see in the mirror, and they are related to your wellness and wellbeing.


First of all, a brisk workout is great for your mood. Working out is like a bad mood repellent; it boosts the production of chemicals in your brain that help to reduce anxiety and stress and make you feel relaxed and happy. Research shows that even if you find it hard to drag yourself down to the gym, you will still reap the rewards and walk out feeling like you are on cloud nine.


Working out is also a great way to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep. A recent study by the National Sleep Foundation found out that around 67 percent of those who got regular exercise say that they enjoy a full and pleasant night’s sleep. This stays the case no matter when you take your exercise, be it in the morning or at night.


If you have a big exam coming up or a speech or presentation to give in front of an audience, exercise could be your friend. A new study has just been carried out which has proved that doing just one session of aerobic exercise  can result in a much higher level of the hormones that are associated with having a strong memory. This means that if you work out you are much more likely to be able to do well in a task that requires memory skills.


There’s a strong link between exercise and creativity too. Another study showed that those who did regular exercise fared better on creative tests than those who did not do regular exercise.

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