Lack of time is everyone’s main excuse for not working out, but do you really not have time for fitness? Sure, you’ve got a lot on your plate, but even just a few minutes of activity every day can help you reap major rewards for your overall wellbeing. In fact, if you’re fitter, you’ll have more energy to help you cope with all your daily tasks! So, how do you find the time to give your wellness a boost? We spoke to Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor Jennipher Walters for her top tips.
1. Get On Up: ‘Sleep is definitely important for overall health and weight-loss, but could you hit the sheets just 30 minutes earlier, so that you could get up and work out before your day starts?,’ asks Walters. ‘Working out in the morning has numerous benefits including regulating appetite, boosting energy and—perhaps the biggest benefit of all—an AM sweat session ensures that your workout is checked off first thing each day!’
2. Log Off…: Walters recommends, ‘For just a few days, record how much time you spend surfing the Internet, checking personal email, watching TV and playing video games whether it’s on your computer or your phone. You just might be surprised at how much time you spend on Facebook or playing Angry Birds. Just a few minutes here and there can add up to an hour or more each day. Cut out just some of that screen time and, voila, you suddenly have time to squeeze in at least 10 or 15 minutes of exercise into even the busiest day.’
3. …But Be an Active TV Watcher: ‘It’s unrealistic to never watch TV or to shun the Internet forever,’ Walters admits. ‘So when you do, try to incorporate some physical activity. When watching TV, make it a point to do some jumping jacks or push-ups during commercials. Doing a little exercise during the commercial breaks can add up to almost 20 minutes of fitness for every hour of TV you watch. And instead of sitting in a chair when on the computer, try sitting on a stability ball or stack your computer up on some books so that you have a standing desk to surf from. No matter how you do it, try not to sit for more than 20 minutes at a time!’
4. Workout On Your Commute: Walters asserts, ‘One of the best ways to fit exercise into your life is by incorporating it into your school or work transportation routine. If you live close enough, consider biking to work. If you take the bus, walk to a bus stop that’s an extra block or two away, or get off the bus a stop sooner than usual and get a few more steps in. And if you drive to work, park as far away as you can—even a few blocks away, if possible.’
5. Socialise While You Exercise: ‘Make your social time more active by planning events that get all of you moving,’ Walters advises. ‘Go for a family hike on a beautiful Saturday morning, play a game of tag football with your buddies during halftime, or make a date with your significant other or best friend on the treadmill. There are so many options for squeezing more activity into your social calendar!’
6. Make Chores More Hardcore: ‘While cleaning might not be the most fun activity, it’s something we all have to do, and it can definitely be a workout if you want it to be,’ notes Walters. ‘Set a kitchen timer for 20 minutes and see how much of the house you can clean. Try to be as efficient and quick-paced as possible, and I guarantee you’ll work up a sweat. If you’re doing lighter housework that is harder to get your heart rate up (like laundry or organising), throw in some lunges or push-ups every few minutes to start feeling the burn.’