How to Get Bikini Ready In Time For Summer

How to Get Bikini Ready In Time For Summer

It may seem hard to believe, as you look out of the window at the rain lashing down yet again, but summer really is just around the corner. In no time, you’ll be packing away the big bulky sweaters and getting out the skimpy tops and, shock horror, the bikini.


There’s no point in starting your weight loss and fitness regime when the summer has already arrived – the time to do it is now, whilst you still have time to get in shape before shedding the layers. Not only that, but eating right and exercising is great for your wellness and wellbeing, which should help to get you through the winter months with the minimal amount of colds and coughs.


There’s no point in starving yourself though; research has shown time and time again that starvation-based diets end up having quite the opposite effect. If you try to follow a very restrictive diet you are likely to break down and start overeating, putting on more weight than ever before. Instead, try to make one small change every week, and by the time the summer comes you will find that you have naturally lost weight and also that you are following a cleaner, healthier diet, and enjoying all the associated benefits.


The first step should be to eliminate processed foods. These foods make you crave more food than your body actually needs, and are not good for you. Take a look at the ingredients list on the food that you eat. You should aim to buy foods that have minimal ingredients, and definitely don’t have long lists of things, including additives that you don’t know how to pronounce! Ideally, you should go for the sections of the supermarket that have no ingredients label at all, such as fresh meat, fruits and vegetables.
