Spice Up Your Sex Life With These Intimate Sex Moves

Spice Up Your Sex Life With These Intimate Sex Moves



If your sex life has hit a bit of a rut, then there is a lot of merit in trying some new moves in the bedroom. Not only will trying new things boost your sexual wellness and wellbeing, but the experience of both working together on increasing your mutual pleasure will bring new intimacy and closeness to your relationship – hopefully with a few mind-blowing orgasms along the way.


When it comes to bringing a couple together, nothing beats a steamy romp in the bedroom. This will naturally translate into intimacy in all other areas of your life and make your relationship stronger than ever.


If you don’t know where to get started, why not try standing up sex in the shower? To do this, face your partner and get him to hold you up, as you wrap one leg around his hip and he enters you. This position makes hitting the G Spot inevitable, increasing the pleasure for you. The fact that he will have to have his arms around you the entire time also makes it feel very close, bonded and imitate. The hot water of the shower also stimulates extra nerve endings and makes it a very sensual experience.


If you like the idea of being face to face the entire time, but standing up is too tricky, why not try lying down face to face on the bed, lying on your sides? Being face to face means you can make eye contact the whole time, and stay in a full body embrace throughout sex, too. Wrap your legs around his waist and then he will be able to enter you, whilst you pull his body closer with your legs and feet.


Another alternative for face to face is to sit on his lap, facing him and have him enter you. This has the added bonus of improving clitoral stimulation and makes him feel like he is getting and extra sexy lap dance.

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