What Everyone Ought to Know About Corporate Wellness

Throughout the country, corporate wellness and wellbeing programmes are becoming more widespread. The buzz is catching on and the news is spreading that these programmes lead to healthier employees, cuts in healthcare costs and an overall happier and healthier working environment. The programmes themselves vary widely from simply offering healthcare information to employees, to fitness education, to subsidised healthy lunches to a company gym. Some employees are even offered financial rewards for reaching certain health standards.


If you are an employer who is thinking of implementing or improving a wellness programme in your workplace, then the results really speak for themselves. It is a simple matter of fact that healthy employees work more productively, but it has also been shown that employees who are involved in wellness programmes are more likely to be hard workers because they feel valued by their employers.


The financial incentives for running a wellness programme have also been well proved. Healthier workers have lower levels of absenteeism, which tends to cost the company money. They also need less time off for medical appointments, and have lower costs of health care. On top of that, retention rates tend to be higher and employee job satisfaction is increased, reducing the costs associated with a high staff turnover.


The health problems that employees are helped with through a wellness programme can vary hugely. For some it is a case of increasing their levels of exercise and physical activity. For many it is a case of losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. Smoking cessation is always a big one, and some employers offer a lower level of health insurance premium to those who do not smoke. Some employees have problems with sleep, and this can be helped through some of the channels that wellness programmes open up.

Corporatecorporate wellnessemployeeshealthHealthierProgrammeProgrammesWellnessWellness ProgrammeWellness programmes