Having sex isn’t just good for your relationship or sexual health; it also has vast benefits for your wellbeing. According to Dr. Oz, the cardiothoracic surgeon and author who hosts The Dr. Oz Show, ‘When it comes to the topic of sex, I’ve been known to put it all out there. As a matter of fact, on the very first episode of The Dr. Oz Show, I jumped right in—to the point of telling the audience personal stories about my sex life with my wife, Lisa…I’m still passionate about this issue because taking care of yourself isn’t just about eating right and exercising. Being in a healthy, fulfilling sexual relationship can do wonders for your overall wellness.’ So what can having sex do for your wellness?
1. Heart Health: Dr. Oz notes, ‘We already know that sex can be a decent cardio workout (one 30-minute session can burn 70 calories); now research indicates it may protect your heart in other ways. A study in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that people who had sex an average of 12 times per month had greater heart rate variability (HRV)—a measure of how well the heart responds to subtle changes throughout the day (like standing versus sitting). Higher HRV is a good thing; it may lower your risk of developing heart disease, the leading cause of death for women.’
2. Anti-Ageing Wellness: ‘Have sex at least three times a week,’ Dr. Oz advises. ‘In a study at Scotland’s Royal Edinburgh Hospital, people in their 40s who reported having an average of 50 percent more sex than the typical person were judged by a panel of strangers to be about seven to 13 years younger than their actual age. Researchers believe the youthful glow comes in part from the release of the DHEA hormone during sex. DHEA, which is produced by your adrenal glands, has anti-ageing properties that can increase the production of collagen and may reduce wrinkles.’
3. Better Sleep: Dr. Oz explains, ‘Levels of the hormone oxytocin surge after sex, and its stress-reducing qualities may help you nod off more quickly. (The relationship between shut-eye and intimacy works the other way, too: One study found that women ages 42 to 52 who reported restless sleep patterns were less likely to get physical pleasure from sex than women who regularly got a good night’s rest.)’
4. Fewer Headaches: ‘Ever pass on sex because your head is pounding?,’ asks Dr. Oz. ‘You may be missing out on the very thing that could bring relief. A small study conducted at Southern Illinois University found that nearly half of female migraine sufferers felt better after orgasm. As endorphins flood the body, they may have an effect similar to morphine, muting your body’s pain response and increasing your threshold for discomfort.’
5. Fewer Colds: Dr. Oz details, ‘A study from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that people who had sex once or twice a week enjoyed a boost in their immune system, thanks to a 30% increase in immunoglobulin A, the infection-fighting antibody found in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. One caveat: Subjects who had sex more than three times a week actually had lower levels of the antibody than those who had less sex. Researchers believe that in moderation, the release of chemicals during orgasm may enhance your immune function, while too much of these chemicals may suppress it.’
6. Living Longer: ‘For women, quality trumps quantity when it comes to the lifesaving effects of sex,’ says Dr. Oz. ‘Simply having positive memories about your sexual past may add roughly four years to your life, according to research at the Duke Centre for the Study of Ageing and Human Development. Researchers found that these fond memories may encourage you to continue leading a happier, healthier life.’