Medical Supplies You Should Have In Storage

Medical Supplies You Should Have In Storage

Medical emergencies are something that could strike anyone at any time, no matter how old or young the person may be. Luckily, the Internet age has made it much easier to acquire medical supplies that go above and beyond the standard First-Aid kit.


It is unfortunate that many homeowners do not even own a First-Aid kit, let alone any specialized medical gear. The following items are common medical items that have been proven to save lives.


First-Aid Kit

The two main functions of a First-Aid kit are to stop bleeding and to keep wounds from getting infected. The items included are gauze, antibiotic cream, band-aids, medical tape, and a cold pack to treat muscle strains. This is the basic kit that any safety-conscious homeowner should have.



This apparatus is designed to start a heart that has stopped beating as a result of cardiac arrest. This is especially useful for those who are not trained in CPR. The reason is that defibrillators often come with clear-cut instructions for operation. With that being said, at least one member of a household should be trained in CPR. These classes are fairly cheap and are usually offered at a community’s activity center.


Suture Kit

Many people think that stitching a wound is a complex procedure; however, the reality is that it is the same fundamental procedure as stitching a seam. Do some research online on how to sew and confer with your doctor regarding the slight differences between the two procedures. It is a skill that most people never need, but it is always good to know how to be able to stitch a wound in case of an emergency. This is what field medics who are stationed in war zones specialize in.



A stethoscope is what doctors use to listen to a patient’s heartbeat and pulse. This checks for any irregularities in heartbeat or blood flow, which are both early warning signs of cardiac arrest. If there is a clot forming somewhere in the body, then you will be able to hear the flow of the person’s blood moving at a slower pace. This also may indicate that the artery is blocked. The best course of action is to give the person an aspirin to thin their blood and call the paramedics immediately.



When most people hear the word catheter they think of a urinary catheter. While this is certainly a common use of catheters, the reality is that they have several uses. When shopping for medical catheters it is important to understand that different sizes have different functions. Some other uses for catheters include cardiovascular, neurovascular, and gastrointestinal issues.


By owning this simple list of items you will be sufficiently prepared for any medical emergency that comes your way.

aid kitBloodcardiac arrestcathetershealth concernsitemsMedicalmedical suppliesnbsp