How To Tell When You Need To Get New Running Shoes

How To Tell When You Need To Get New Running Shoes

Every runner should understand how important it is to keep their feet protected with high-quality running shoes in order to avoid injury. However, not every runner knows the signs that they need to pick up a new pair. These three tell-tale signs of wear are your cue to invest in a new pair of running shoes.


Track Your Mileage

Many runners track their mileage for personal reasons. Doing this can also help you know when it is time to replace your shoes. Most podiatrists recommend replacing running shoes every 400 to 600 miles, but this figure depends on a variety of different factors. According to Dr. Thomas Rambacher, every time you take a stride while running, the force is equal to three times that of your body weight. If your shoes are not absorbing the impact properly, you can experience foot, ankle, leg, and even hip injuries as a result. It is important to take your weight, stride, and speed into account, as well as the type of terrain you run on. A heavier person will naturally create more impact while running than a lighter individual. Thus, they would need to replace their shoes more frequently.


Inspect the Midsole

The midsole of a running shoe provides much-needed cushion to your feet, and protects the fragile bones in them from damage. If you take a look at the side of the midsole, you may notice a few wrinkles or lines, which are considered normal signs of wear. However, if there are many lines present, and overlapping ones, it is time to get new running shoes. Too many wrinkles and lines mean that your midsole is thoroughly worn and is no longer able to cushion your feet effectively.


Don’t Ignore Pain

Many runners ignore foot pain, assuming that it naturally occurs after a run. While this common belief does have some truth to it, your shoes also play a big role. If you are experiencing more discomfort than usual, your shoes may be the culprit. Try on different styles of running shoes, and compare the difference in how your feet feel to your old pair. If the support and level fo comfort is noticeable, it’s time to invest in a new pair of running shoes. A podiatrist can help you find the right type of shoes based on your arch, build, and other needs.


Every runner relies on their shoes to keep their feet protected. However, when your shoes are running low on life, you can be putting yourself at a higher risk of injury. Determine when you need to invest in new shoes with these strategies.

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