Does Your Sex Life Need to Change as an Older Adult?

Does Your Sex Life Need to Change as an Older Adult?

Whether you’re 18 or you’re 80, everyone likes sex and deserves to enjoy it. So how do you keep the good loving going once you’re past your physical prime?


1. Let’s Get Physical: Not only is exercise good for your overall wellbeing; it also works wonders for your sexual health. Exercise helps with physical wellness issues, such as energy and stamina, as well as improving your sense of body image. If you find sex not-so enjoyable, Kegel exercises can help both men and women get more out sex, improving the functioning of your sexual organs and improving your bladder control at the same time. Just make sure you speak to your physician before engaging in a rigorous exercise programme, especially if you have an existing condition or you’re taking certain medications. This leads us nicely onto…


2. Doctor, Doctor: If you suffer from physical limitations or the effects of certain illnesses or medications, you may need to make a few accommodations in order to enjoy sex. Talk with your doctor about any changes that concern you, and he or she can help you make the necessary changes. You can still can enjoy full, satisfying sex lives if you have a heart condition, although most doctors recommend that you abstain from sex for a brief time following a heart attack. If you have angina, ask your doctor about taking nitroglycerin before you have sex, but refrain from taking erectile dysfunction medication if you are using nitroglycerin.


3. Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby: Communication is key when changes occur to your body. As people age, you lose oestrogen while your partner loses testosterone. These hormonal changes may lead to changes in libido, but your partner won’t know what’s going on in your body until you tell him. Not only can openly discussing your concerns and what you’re experiencing emotionally and physically help you both to find a solution; the sheer act of open, vulnerable communication can bring you closer and help you both enjoy sex and intimacy all the more.


4. Take Me Out: Sex and sexuality communicate a great deal: affection, love, esteem, warmth, sharing and bonding. These gifts are as much the right of older adults as they are of those who are younger, so why not take a leaf out of young peoples’ book? Go out on a date to the movies or to dinner, or just suggest you go for a walk. Quality time helps you to focus on intimacy and physical touch, so hark back to your younger selves and hold hands, hug and show affection.


5. Afternoon Delight: If you find that you’re too tired to have sex at night anymore, try trying it on with your partner in the morning or the afternoon when you have more energy. A low libido can make you want to get things over with quickly, but taking your time and spending longer on foreplay can increase vaginal lubrication and boost your level of desire. If uncomfortable sex is putting you off, try using a lubricant. There are loads of sexual factors to play with, such as mood, lighting and sensual exercises – so try something new to get in the mood.


6. Safety Dance: Research shows that rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis have doubled for people in their 50s, 60s and 70s in the past decade, due to the lack of fear of pregnancy. However, condoms are vital for protecting you against STDs, so it’s important to practice safe sex with every new partner.

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