No Gym, No Problem! 6 Ways to Exercise Without Joining a Gym

Can’t get to the gym? Maybe vying for a lane at a crowded swimming pool or working up a sweat and fighting boredom on a treadmill doesn’t exactly appeal to you. There are other ways to get and keep in shape (and shed those unwanted pounds). Here are six tried-and-true methods that are sure to build up your muscles and increase your stamina.


Hit the Links
You don’t have to be an Arnold Palmer to reap the benefits of a round of golf. Even if your idea of a good game is managing to avoid the sand traps, the exercise will rev up your muscles. To optimize the value of this activity, forgo the golf cart and carry your own clubs.


Do What the Kids Do
Remember all the fun you had jumping on a trampoline when you were young? Lest you believe you’re too old, think of the cardio workout you’ll get by bouncing around. It’s easier on your joints than jogging on pavement. There’s another perk: the resistance provided by the trampoline can keep bones strong — a boon for women (and men) to stave off or reverse osteoporosis.


Take a Few Laps
Whether or not you have issues with your joints, time in the pool can help you reap untold benefits. Being buoyant makes exercise less strenuous, so it’s possible to get a total body workout without working up a sweat. A swimming pool installation in Minneapolis, or the city of your choosing, will mean the whole family can go for a dip without leaving home.


Lace Up the Skates
You’ve never skated before? It’s never too late to start. Rollerblades, traditional roller skates, and ice skates will all help you build up leg and ankle muscles. And there’s nothing like the sensation of flying along the pavement or ice with no more effort than you’d expend by running.


Plant Your Way to Fitness
Turning a bare patch of earth into a lovely flower or health-enhancing vegetable garden does beautify your yard. Arm, leg, neck, and back muscles all benefit from working on the green space. There’s another perk: when you eat the veggies from your garden, you’ll be enjoying produce that hasn’t been sprayed, waxed, or picked before it was ripe. As you bite into that cucumber, your taste buds will thank you.


Go for a Stroll
It isn’t necessary to engage in strenuous exercise. A pleasant walk around the neighborhood, a park, or the zoo will work wonders for your muscles and your waistline. Bring along a friend or two, your spouse, or the whole family and you won’t even think you’re exercising.


Are you ready to increase muscle mass, give yourself more energy, strengthen your bones, and protect your heart without having to keep up a gym membership? Then choose one of these helpful ideas and enjoy the journey to better health.
