Cancer and Alcohol: The Personal Impact

It is common knowledge that abusing alcohol on a regular basis can lead to several health issues such as cirrhosis of the liver. Additionally, alcoholics have a heightened risk of dealing with high blood pressure, liver failure, seizures, decreased mental function and body tremors. However, it is also important to note that drinking can increase your odds of contracting several forms of cancer even if you do not drink on a daily basis.


What Forms of Cancer can be Impacted?

Extensive research has linked alcohol usage to cancer of the mouth, breast, esophagus, rectum, colon, voice box and throat. Researchers are also currently studying the potential link between pancreatic cancer and alcohol consumption. Although anyone who drinks has the increased risk of contracting one of these forms of cancer, it is important to note that your odds of developing cancer of the voice box, mouth, esophagus and throat will be much higher if you are also a smoker. In fact, drinking and smoking at the same time leads to many more cases of these types of cancer than smoking alone.


How does Alcohol Increase My Risk?

There is no simple link that researchers can point to that easily explains how drinking can make people more susceptible to cancer. However, there are several issues caused by alcohol that are likely to be a factor, including the fact that alcohol damages body tissues, lowers levels of folate and other necessary nutrients, has an undesired effect on estrogen levels, can cause people to gain weight and acts as a solvent that increases the harmful impact of other chemicals such as those found in tobacco smoke.


What are Some of the Other Dangers?

Although becoming occasionally intoxicated is not likely to significantly increase your risk of dealing with any serious health issues, it could lead to legal and social complications if you end up getting a DUI. After all, a DUI conviction is typically accompanied by high fines, a suspended license and the possibility of jail time.


Additionally, having a DUI on your record could cause you to lose your job, and it is likely to make it more difficult to attend the college of your choice and get a new job in the future. Retaining an experienced DUI attorney would be an absolute when faced with such difficulties due to such a charge on a record.


When this happens it is important to retain legal representation. According to David Katz from the Law Offices of Katz & Phillips there is a difference between DUI lawyers and DUI law firms. The team approach achieves the best possible results for clients.Legal representation can help assist in getting charges reduced in an effort to prevent the harsher punishments that can accompany it.


Keep in mind that getting behind the wheel when you are intoxicated can also very easily lead to a life altering injury or a fatal car accident. Due to this, it is vital for everyone to be careful with their alcohol consumption.


As you can see, regularly consuming alcoholic beverages can have several negative side effects. Therefore, it is safer for everyone to avoid drinking in most situations so that they do not end up dealing with issues such as cancer of the mouth or cirrhosis of the liver. It is also important to note that the total amount of alcohol that you consume will have a bigger impact on your cancer risk than the type of alcohol that you drink. Additionally, studies have indicated that binge drinking an average of once a month will greatly increase your risk of developing cancer, especially if you are a woman.


Health advocate and blogger Lisa Coleman personally understands the damage and risks that can accompany overconsumption of alcohol, and the effects it can cause to an individual’s life. She recently viewed how Katz & Phillips, an Orlando DUI attorney firm, can legally assist a client who is faced with a DUI charge to help them get back on their feet.

AlcoholalcoholismcancerDUIrisks of drinking