The Werewolf Diet: Nutritional Wellness for Team Jacob

The Werewolf Diet: Nutritional Wellness for Team Jacob

By the looks of things, we’re not getting rid of the vampire/werewolf/zombie craze anytime soon. In fact, now it looks as though these other-worldly creatures are infiltrating your wellbeing, as the latest fad in nutritional wellness reveals something that any Team Jacob girl would go for: The Werewolf Diet.


Diet and wellness expert Heather Neal details, ‘The Werewolf Diet is based on the cycles of the moon. The ebb and flow; the waxing and waning. The phases of the moon and their effect on nature and the human body. Or would that be the werewolf body? The theory behind the diet is that just as the moon affects the tide of the ocean, it also affects the water in our bodies. Supposedly, when the moon is full, or at the beginning of a new phase, there’s a 24-hour gravitational effect that can influence whether you can lose weight. Hmm. Reportedly Madonna and Demi Moore are moon-diet followers, so it must be totally legit.’


Neal continues, ‘There’s not only one Werewolf Diet — or Moon Diet, as some are calling it — there are two. There’s the basic plan or the extended option. The second option is really just a longer version that entails a different diet for each phase of the moon…Let’s start with the basic plan. It’s a simple 24-hour liquid fast that occurs in sync with the full moon. Water, juice, and nothing else for a full day. Sounds mildly feasible if you’re not the kind of person who will eat their arm off after more than two hours of hunger. The claim is you can drop six pounds during those 24 hours. The diet attributes this weight loss to the body’s increased ability to process toxins during the full and new moon phases, thus the drinking of more fluids. Apparently, it’s important to start the diet the exact minute the full moon starts. No pressure.’


According to Neal, ‘As far as the extended plan goes, you’re supposed to eat less when the moon is waxing and avoid eating when the “moonlight shines” (aka after 6pm) when the moon is waning, in addition to fasting during the full and new moons. Detoxifying teas are an added bonus for the new moon fast. There doesn’t seem to be any additional claims or reports to enhanced or greater weight loss with this more complex version of the diet. Although, also hidden in the diet’s website is the warning that you shouldn’t follow this diet for more than six days. I’m still working out how you follow a full moon flow for only six days.’


But is there anything in this idea? ‘Maybe it’s just me, but I think it goes without saying that this one’s a little out there,’ says Neal. However, she adds, ‘I guess it’s not so entirely off the wall though, considering how many things actually are affected by the moon. Like sleep cycles and baby births. (People tend to sleep 20 minutes less on nights with a full moon, and moms everywhere know the supposed increased risk of going into labour on a full moon.)…I suppose the only way to find out would be to go on a juice fast for 24 hours during a random day of the week and follow it up with another fast during a full or new moon, then compare the weight loss. But I won’t be signing up for that experiment, thank you very much. I’d turn into a werewolf after missing my first meal…I think I’ll stick with the sun diet: only eat on days the sun rises.’

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