The Sexy Battle of the Sexes: How Sex Benefits are Different

Sex has many benefits to your wellbeing, but those benefits are different for men and women. While both sexes can stand to gain a healthier immune system and better mental wellness from having sex, there are some sexual health benefits that are just for the lads, and just for the lasses.




1. Prevents Prostate Cancer: According to an Australian study, men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer. Clinical sexologist Gloria Brame, PhD, explains that this is because disease-causing toxins build up in your urogenital tract, but you flush those bad guys out of your system when you rub one out.


2. Strengthens Your Manhood: You naturally lose muscle tone as you age, and that still applies to your package. However, just like lifting weights can help you retain and build muscle mass, having sex or masturbating regularly gives your pelvic floor muscles a good old-fashioned workout. If you really want to prevent erectile dysfunction and incontinence, you should aim to ejaculate three to five times a week.


3. Strengthens Your Boys: A review published in Sexual and Relationship Therapy found that the semen you produce as a result of actual intercourse is of a higher quality than the swimmers you get from masturbating. However, the review also points out that if you don’t ejaculate for a period as short as five to 18 days, the quality and quantity of your sperm can decrease.


4. Helps You Last Longer: You learn control by mastering your own body. Brame notes, ‘Masturbating an hour before a date will give you more control.’ Ava Cadell, PhD, founder of, recommends timing how long it takes you to orgasm. If you usually take two minutes when you’re by yourself, Cadell suggests trying for three minutes next time. Alternately, you could try counting how many strokes you need to get to your happy place. If you’re spurting after 50, shoot for 60. Cadell details, ‘Most men can double the number of strokes and the time within one month.’





1. Helps Prevent Cervical Infections: When you orgasm, the orgasms ‘tents’ or opens your cervix and studies are showing that this can provide protection against cervical infections. Joann Ellison Rodgers describes this process in her book Sex: A Natural History, noting that the tenting stretches and pulls the mucous within your cervix, and this allows for a rise in acidity in your cervical fluid. When your cervical fluid is more acidic, more of it can move into your vagina and this increases ‘friendly’ bacteria. Altogether, this lubricates your vagina – which improves sex – and flushes out the unfriendly organisms that can cause infections.


2. Helps Relieve Urinary Tract Infections: If you’ve ever felt a UTI coming on, you may have felt the desire to masturbate. This is because having an orgasm helps to relieve pain and it flushes the old bacteria from your cervix. So masturbating is your body’s way of getting the bacteria out.


3. Lower Risk of Major Health Concerns: Having sex has been associated with improved cardiovascular health and lower risk of type-2 diabetes. A number of studies have found that if you experience more orgasms than average – as well as an overall greater frequency and satisfaction with sex – you are more resistant to coronary heart disease and type-2 diabetes. This is the case whether you enjoy sex with a partner or you go it Han-style (Solo).


4. Increases Pelvic Floor Strength: Ok, this one is similar to the boys, but it’s still worth mentioning. There are many health benefits to having a strong pelvic floor, but the most fun one is that it enhances your sexual satisfaction. So, the more you do it, the more satisfaction you’ll gain.

Benefitscervical fluidcervical infectionsHealth Benefitshelpsmasturbatingmennbsppelvic floorprostate cancerWomen