Reasons It’s Important To Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol seems to permeate society and is always available at family gatherings and social events. With such a great prevalence, it’s easy to get into the habit of drinking alcohol, and many people overindulge on a regular basis. However, there are many good reasons to keep your alcohol consumption within moderation, for your own sake and the sake of others.

Risks To Physical Health

Heavy alcohol consumption can put individuals at risk for a number of diseases, including high blood pressure, stroke, and heart problems. Heavy alcohol use can also cause diseases of the liver and pancreas, and has been linked to certain types of cancers in research studies. The American Cancer Society recommends limiting alcohol consumption to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men to avoid being at higher risk for breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, as well as mouth and throat cancers. Heavy drinking can also cause nerve damage, stomach problems and seizures.

Alcohol and Mental Health

Mental health experts believe that many people overindulge in alcohol in an attempt to “self treat” problems with stress, anxiety and depression. Many people who have bipolar disorder or personality disorder use alcohol to regulate their moods and behaviors. Alcohol itself can trigger some of these mental issues. Mental health professionals often have a difficult time diagnosing and treatment mental health problems because of the additional problem of alcohol abuse.

Disruption of Relationships

Heavy alcohol consumption can also have a detrimental effect on relationships. Behaviors while under the influence can cause conflicts within the relationship. Some people become violent under the influence of alcohol, which can cause breakups and divorces. Drinking can also cause employment difficulties, which add to financial problems and stress in the relationship.

Alcohol and Legal Problems

Excessive alcohol use can also lead people into poor decisions, such as starting public fights, abusive language or driving under the influence. Driving under the influence can cause serious bodily injury or even death to pedestrians and other drivers that will cause emotional and financial hardship for the rest of your life. Being arrested for driving under the influence can also have a serious effect on your ability to function in your employment and in your personal life. You may require the services of a Maryland DUI lawyer to assist you in your court case. If your drinking has reached a point where it has begun to cause legal problems in your life, you can still get your life back o/n track by stopping alcohol use or seeking out treatment.
