Greek Balneotherapy Or Hydro-Medicine

Greek Balneotherapy Or Hydro-Medicine

The ancient Greeks appreciated the effects of a good, long soak. The Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) also wrote extensively about the healing power of water. Also known as hydrotherapy, Balneotherapy is hydro-medicine for management of chronic wounds and refractory skin conditions that occur on the feet and legs. It aims to reduce pain, heal wounds and improve quality of life in patients by bathing. Lukewarm water is used for bathing the legs for 45 minutes daily with Epson salts or Dead Sea salts. Many mineral waters are rich in silica, selenium, magnesium, radium, lithium, potassium, iodine, calcium and sulphur compounds. The dissolved materials must be at least one gram per litre in water at approximately 25 degrees celsius. Other benefits include the reduction of pain, acceleration of collateral blood circulation, elevation of cellular fluids, relaxation of muscles as well as numerous healing benefits from the absorption of minerals and botanical substances.