7 Little Indulgences that are Surprisingly Healthy

7 Little Indulgences that are Surprisingly Healthy


If you tried to give up unhealthy foods for Lent, the chances are that you’ve broken that promise by now. Even if you haven’t, and you’re still going strong with your celery sticks and hummus, you may have made a big mistake in giving up your little indulgences. They say the key to weight loss and looking after your overall wellbeing is to give yourself a little bit of what you fancy, so that you don’t spin over the edge and end up gorging on the whole shebang. That said, even those little indulgences can be surprisingly healthy, as long as you choose the right ones. With that in mind, we asked a few diet wellness experts for their choices of healthy, guilt-free indulgences.


1. Your Sweet Treat: You might be tempted to replace ice cream with frozen yoghurt, but, in terms of your wellbeing, it might be better to go classic. Keri Glassman MS, RD, dietician and judge on Cook Your Ass Off, warns, ‘Beware of frozen yoghurts, because most contain the same amount of calories as ice cream. And while fat-free ice creams will be close in terms of calories, they’re usually higher in sugar! Instead, when you really need a conscious indulgence, go for the real ice cream, but in a small portion, or about a half cup.’


2. Your Meaty Dinner: ‘Red meat isn’t really as rich as people assume, ‘especially if you’re choosing a leaner, good quality meat,’ says Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN of Middleberg Nutrition. ‘The grass-fed variety contains high concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), associated with a lower body-fat percentage, plus they’re a good source of iron which many women are deficient in. Just aim for four to five-ounce servings, which is about the size of your smart phone.’


3. Your Dairy Fix: Middleberg points out, ‘There is still the feeling that if you are trying to watch your weight, you should look for foods with less fat. Surprisingly though, skimmed milk doesn’t help you lose weight, so go for whole fat dairy instead. Fat in milk not only helps with appetite control, it also helps you absorb vitamin D, which, for the sceptical ladies reading this, is very important when it comes to fertility.’


4. Your Fast Food: ‘Let’s talk fast food,’ Middleberg comments. ‘Everyone loves Chipotle, right? Forget the salad and go for the bowl with a half-portion of brown rice, black beans, chicken, marinated veggies, salsa fresco and a dab of guacamole.’


5. Your Heat-and-Eat Option: Glassman details, ‘Sometimes frozen veggies are not only more convenient, they’re also more nutritious, because they’re flash frozen at peak ripeness. Just remember to look at the ingredients and check for added preservatives and chemicals. The only ingredient listed should be the food itself.’


6. Your Afternoon Snack: ‘Once a diet no-go due to its high saturated fat content, coconut is now on everyone’s list of superfoods,’ Middleberg asserts. ‘It contains lauric acid that can kill bacteria and viruses and prevent infections, and it also can prevent heart disease and aid in weight loss. Fortunately, there are some really great coconut-based treats on the market now, like coconut frozen fruit bars, coconut sorbet, coconut meat, and coconut bars.’


7. Your Carbs: Glassman explains, ‘Spuds get a bad rap, but a good old white potato packs vitamin C to combat free radicals, and vitamin B6 and potassium for a healthy heart. Just be sure to watch your portion and include some skin in every bite—the fibre will help to keep you full.’

ice creampotatoesred meat