Featured Yogi: Mimi Rieger

Featured Yogi: Mimi Rieger

About Mimi: “Mimi Rieger, RYT has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and has been teaching for 11. She believes in encouraging students to push past existing physical barriers to find a stronger body and cultivate a deeper sense of self. Mimi’s challenging and creative classes are inspired by her background in ballet, martial arts and the traditional Ashtanga Yoga system. She teaches 26 weekly classes around DC, VA and MD and holds a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Program each year.

Mimi teaches at Flow Yoga Center, Kali Yoga Center, Epic Yoga DC, Village Yoga, Vida Fitness and Sports Club LA. She teaches Rocket Vinyasa Yoga, Budokon and her signature Power Yoga classes which blend her traditional roots of Ashtanga with more creative sequencing and inversion and arm balance opportunities.

Mimi was kind enough to answer questions for us in the latest edition of our Featured Yogi series.

How did you begin practicing yoga?
I began practicing yoga after training in martial arts and ballet for years. I was looking for a practice with less impact but  equally as rigorous and rewarding. I found Ashtanga Yoga and was immediately hooked and inspired from that day forward.

Why is yoga important to you?
Yoga changed my life plain and simple. As an active person for my entire life and someone who is driven by a challenge, I found not only hard work but peacefulness on the mat. My yoga practice is a place where I can always go to find solace and strength.  I have grown and learned exponentially from my teachers and myself.

What made you want to teach yoga?
I was so thankful to have found yoga through my teacher and wanted the opportunity to share the gifts of yoga on and off of the mat. The journey is personal but exposure to the practice is the first step.

Do you have a preferred type of yoga/practice?
My initial practice was traditional Ashtanga for many years. I practice very close to this system but with some modifications and variations influenced by martial arts and less traditional yogic roots. My primary practice is Rocket Vinyasa Yoga. 

Describe a yoga class with Mimi Rieger. What makes the experience unique?
When taking a Mimi Rieger Yoga class, students should expect a powerful, creative and comprehensive practice. My main focus is cultivating full body-connectivity and awareness on the mat. Encouraging students to push past their existing physical barriers and embrace getting stronger, how you show up on the mat will show up in your life.

Who is your favorite DC Yoga teacher? 
I cannot possibly name one. I am inspired each time I take a class from each of these amazing teachers. Peg Mulqueen, Krista Block, Angela Meyer, Kristen Krash and Hawah. I learn something new each class and I am grateful for their friendships.

Follow Mimi at www.mimiriegeryoga.com/ twitter mimiriegeryoga/ facebook mimi rieger yoga/ instagram mimirieger

Don’t forget to sign up for the FREE Cherry Blossom Yoga class with Mimi on the National Mall this Saturday!