Shopaholics: 4 Signs You Actually Have a Spending Problem

Shopaholics: 4 Signs You Actually Have a Spending Problem


You may joke that you’re a shopaholic, but can buying too many clothes really be a mental health problem? Here are five signs of actual shopaholism:


1. Shopping Causes Intense Feelings: According to wellness expert Maria Trimarchi, ‘While some of us may enjoy the thrill of an occasional splurge or scoring a good deal, spending more than you bargained for during an annual holiday shopping spree doesn’t automatically make you a shopaholic. But that thrill, what some shopaholics describe as a high, helps drive compulsive shoppers to want more – excessive shopping, uncontrolled spending sprees and impulse buys are the defining characteristics of compulsive buying disorder. Compulsive buying disorder (CBD) sufferers have a sense of excitement before a purchase, an inability to resist the urge to shop and a rush or sense of reward while spending, despite any negative consequences of their actions…Just as with other impulse-control disorders such as drug and alcohol addiction and pathological gambling, for many compulsive shoppers the “high” of the spending spree is followed by a low, where the powerful euphoric feelings are replaced with those of distress, shame and guilt.’


2. Spending is Impulsive and Excessive: ‘Compulsive shoppers have, on average, the same number of cards as the rest of us but the difference is that they’re more likely to maintain balances between $100 to $500 shy of each card’s maximum limit,’ Trimarchi details. ‘They shop excessively and impulsively, typically making their purchases on credit. What’s excessive? Treating yourself to that pair of luxurious new boots you’ve had your eye on may feel excessive and unnecessary, especially if you’re on a tight budget, but compulsive shoppers might buy five, 10 or even 20 pairs of those boots without hesitation. Some shopaholics shop for the thrill of the purchase no matter what the item is. Others may have specific shopping preferences – consider the 2,000 to 3,000 pairs of shoes former first lady of the Philippines Imelda Marcos had collected, for example. Frequently relying on credit to buy what you can’t afford should be a red flag – if you’re not already in serious financial trouble, you’re on your way.’


3. Financial Problems and Big Debt: Trimarchi asserts, ‘Not all debts are created equal. Some debt, such as buying a home or going to school, can be good debt (usually). Good debt is debt that can work in your favour. Using high-interest credit cards to spend beyond your budget and carrying balances from month to month on those cards is bad debt. Any debt you can’t (or don’t) pay off quickly is too much debt. While the amount of debt you carry is ultimately going to be a personal decision, there’s a quick way to know for sure how your monthly financial obligations stack up against your monthly income. Add up your monthly debt obligations – that’s your rent or mortgage, your credit card, car loan, student loan and any other loan payments (this does not include what you pay for food, clothing, utilities or your discretionary spending). Add up your monthly income – that’s your gross salary plus any other income such as a bonus or alimony. If less than 30% of your income is used to pay your debts, you’re in pretty good shape at the moment. When the ratio begins to creep towards 40% or greater, though, it’s time for a financial intervention.’


4. Spending Causes Relationship Problems: ‘A study published by the World Psychiatric Association found that nearly 70% of compulsive shoppers admitted that their behaviour caused problems in their relationships,’ Trimarchi explains. ‘First, there’s only so much time in one day…CBD sufferers spend an inappropriate amount of time being preoccupied with all aspects of the shopping experience – whether it’s time spent tracking bargains or engaging in shopping itself, it’s time that’s not spent with family and friends, or on the job, and that growing distance may begin to take a toll on intimacy in relationships. But it’s not just a shopaholic’s absenteeism that causes trouble. Money is the number-one source of stress in a marriage, and if you’re going to fight with your partner, it’s probably going to be about spending habits and debt.’

compulsive buying disorder (CBD)debtshopaholic