5 Grab-and-Go Snacks that Are Actually Healthy

5 Grab-and-Go Snacks that Are Actually Healthy


There are hundreds of healthy snacks that, with a little time and planning, you can make at home and take into the office. However, most of us don’t have even a little time for diet wellness, so how do you snack in a healthy way when your only option is to grab and go? According to Olympic-trained athlete Amanda Russell, founder of FitStrongandSexy.com and one of Google’s Next Top Fitness Trainer’s in 2012, ‘As much as I love tips on how to make a healthy snack, the reality is that many of us don’t have the time to make all of our snacks and portion them out in advance on a weekly or daily basis.  I’m not suggesting you stop cooking at home — and of course I love the idea of homemade anything — but it is possible to find healthy pre-made snacks from your local supermarket.’ So, which healthy snacks does Russell recommend?


1. Chips and Salsa: Russell suggests, ‘You can opt for 15 baked tortilla chips (about one ounce) with 1/4 cup fresh or pre-made salsa or you can maintain the crunch and salty dipping idea but have more per serving with popchips. These thin and crispy, light popped crunchies are perfect for the chip lover who thrives on crunch but doesn’t want to rack up a lot of fat or calories per serving. My Picks: PopchipsSea Salt and GreenMountain Gringo Salsa.’


2. Hard-Boiled Egg: ‘This snack is so inexpensive and loaded with nutrients,’ Russell enthuses. ‘Eggs are one of the best ways to get a healthy dose of protein and nutrients. But be sure to eat the whole egg – the yolk carries much of the nutrients. I am known to keep a hard-boiled egg in my purse (I kid you not!) because it’s one of my little secrets to staying fuelled and lean. My Picks: Homemade- Try hard boiling and pre-peeling a dozen at the start of the week and throw one in a small Tupperware container each day for an easy on-the-go snack. Or, you can literally get them everywhere, from 7-Eleven to Starbucks. It truly is a snack that is easier to find that you think, I know I have often been on road trips or in airports and needing “something” to snack on or give my salad more substance.’


3. Nut Butter Treats: ‘Try Nut Butter-sicles,’ Russell suggests. ‘Your choice of nut butter, just got better and so easy. Simply freeze 1/4 cup of your choice of nut better with 3/4 cup of your favourite type of milk. My Picks: I love Nutella (I am a chocolate lover after all) and I like also Barney almond butter. Stir in a little mashed banana to make it a NutButter-Banana-Sicle.’


4. Fibre Bars: Russell asserts, ‘This is a great substitute for a candy bar! It’s not just the digestive system that can thank fibre for proper functioning; the heart benefits too! Another benefit is that fibre bars don’t have the funny taste or high calorie content of many protein and nutrition bars. My Picks: Fibre One Oats and Peanut Butter OR Oats and Chocolate Bar. These bars are packed with fibre, and also satisfy a peanut butter craving or chocolate chip craving!’


5. Popcorn: Russell points out, ‘There are so many great grab-and-go size single serving popcorn varieties now – what I love is the quantity and fibre you can pack without throwing away your daily intake! My Pick: Skinny Pop – once you try it, you’ll be addicted. What do they do to their popcorn? I will pay way too much for a bag – simply because the taste cannot be matched!’


chips and salsaEggspopcorn