Off-road biking club to hold informational session

Off-road biking club to hold informational session




The Iron Range Off-road Cyclists (IROC) will be holding a public informational session and membership drive on Thursday, May 1, at 6:30 p.m. at the dining room of the Minnesota Discovery Center.


The Iron Range Off-road Cyclists is a new club of bikers who have joined forces to create off-road biking trails on the Iron Range. Their mission is to build, maintain and ride high-quality single track trails on mineland reclamation and natural areas. By partnering with the International Mountain Biking Associations (IMBA), they plan to do just that.


Using the Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Bike Trails in Crosby/Ironton, MN as a model, IROC has been actively working to find a site for its first single-track trail system. Built in 2010, the Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Bike Trails boast over 25 miles of trail. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, who operates the trail system, said over 20,000 riders visit the trails with their bikes every year. The bikers come from across the state and region.


“We have great support from the IRRRB (Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board), IMBA, and community policymakers to build some trails locally.” said Pete Kero, IROC Vice President. “At this point we are finalizing the location of our first site and working to build local support for this project. The trail system we are proposing has trails for everyone, from the beginner to the advanced technical rider. The mountain bike park will be a great place for serious riders to get an adrenaline rush and families to get out and have fun together.”


The May 1 meeting will include an informational session on the mountain bike park project, a presentation by the International Mountain Bike Association, information on local rides, a membership drive and a drawing for prizes. Attendance is free and doughnuts will be provided. IROC encourages anyone interested in riding their bikes on trails to attend.


The Iron Range Off-road Cyclists are a non-profit group of volunteers. More information on the club can be found at Questions can be directed to Pete Kero at 218-969-8745.